
Time Management Radio – How to Save Time When You’re Networking

There’s a saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that counts.” Making connections with the right people puts you on the path to success. Knowing how to network effectively saves you time, energy, and money.
When you volunteer, attend a networking event, sporting event or even talk a neighbor, you’re networking because you never know whom they know. There truly are only 6 degrees of separation between the person you’re talking to and someone you’d like to get to know.
Success at networking doesn’t have to take years. The strategies you use make all the difference between wasting your time and achieving successful results. These strategies can help you save time and accomplish your goal of making the right connections quickly.


Diane Darling is an expert at effective networking. She is the CEO of Effective Networking, Inc.; a company dedicated to helping you make connections the right way. Diane works with people to ensure they develop the networking skills with others to reach their personal or professional goals.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
• Ways to save time when networking
• Networking Basics
• The best way to prepare for a networking meeting
• The most effective way to introduce yourself
• How to work a room
• How to identify a common interest
• Tips on organizing those business cards
• Following up after a meeting and what to say to keep the conversation going
• Tips for remembering names!

Diane Darling founded her company on the premise that everyone can learn to network; they just need to find their own style. Combining interactive training, strategic planning and an exploration of the natural fears of networking, Diane demystifies the process by providing techniques that can be implemented immediately.
McGraw-Hill commissioned her to write The Networking Survival Guide. She has appeared on NBC Nightly News, in The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Boston Globe. Diane’s website is: