Imagine how much money you could make if you always knew exactly which income producing tasks and activities to prioritize so you could generate the maximum amount of money out of every minute spent in your business – while freeing up 1 hour every day AND indulging in the luxury of consistently having 3-Day weekends?
Leslie Cunningham is a certified money coach who shares how to master the inner game of time and money. During the call:
• We take you through an exercise to eliminate the self-sabotaging beliefs that prevent you from creating more money in your business.
• You’ll discover the one thing you can do to begin creating more money in 60 Days or less.
• Learn the secret to ending feelings of panic about not making money as fast as you want or need.
• Discover how to complete your top income producing activities in HALF the amount of time with double the motivation.
• And you’ll learn how to free up at least 1 hour every day and Create 3-Day Weekends.
Leslie is an international expert with over 18 years of experience mentoring women entrepreneurs, leading workshops and empowering women on the topic of money. As an internationally published author, her work appears in the Chicken Soup For the Soul Series, “Tough Times, Tough People: 101 Stories About Overcoming the Economic Crisis and Other Challenges.” And she’s a monthly columnist for “Balance: A Magazine for Montana Women”.
Leslie introduces an exercise to help you track your income so you know your numbers and where you stand financially. You can find the Tracking Worksheet here.
To receive her Time and Money Tips and Video series on How to Break Through 6 Figures with Ease Working 4 days a Week or Less, go to