
Quench! – Paumanok: Fruits of A Corporate Dropout

About 20 years ago stories began circulating about corporate executives who had cashed out and opted for the simpler life of a winemaker, usually in the Napa Valley. Charles Massoud had most of them beat by a decade. In 1983, while still working at IBM, he purchased an abandoned potato farm on Long Island’s North Fork and started planting grapevines.

He left IBM when the wine came into production, and today Paumanok Vineyards is one of the leading boutique properties on Long Island. Mark talks with Charles about his journey and the lessons learned along the way. On Bizarre Beverage News, Mark follows up on the phenomenon that Americans are now drinking more Italian wine than Italians, reports that the White House is once again releasing the food and wine pairing for state dinners, and examines the latest example of wine theft—this one at top chateaux in Bordeaux.


Paumanok Vineyards—Link to:

Binny’s Beverage Depot—Link to:

Iconic Spirits: An Intoxicating History—Link to: