This week the show focuses on an issue important to every human being. The issue is safety. Everyone needs tools to be safe in daily life and this week Denise interviews Suzanne Cruz, otherwise known as “Tactical Sue”. Suzanne speaks to us on the topic of awareness and safety in order to reach our goals successfully. She talks about safety in our personal lives, relationships, and communities. Suzanne is a veteran law enforcement officer, student and teacher of Jujitsu, and a public speaker. She combines her business expertise with a personal history raising a family and struggling to help that one alcoholic that seems to be in every family. Suzanne has shown hundreds of people how to thrive in their personal lives and within their organizations.
Denise, having had to cope with addiction in her own family, in her home, asks Suzanne poignant questions about safety around addicts and their associates, about her experience in law enforcement related to what to look out for in certain circumstances, and general safety and prevention information.
Suzanne recommends listeners check out Gavin DeBecker and his book “The Gift of Fear” which can teach us what to look out for rather than the general message of simply to be careful. Tools we can all use.