
Your Money Show – The April 1st Funny Money Show  talked about the strangest interview questions of 2015.  One of the Strangest questions was from Stanford University.  They asked prospective employees, “Who would win in a fight between Spider Man and Batman.”

Interviewers like to ask these strange questions to see how you think on your feet and how creative you are. Basically they are looking to see how you handle yourself and how your brain works.

Yourmoneyshow delved into this question Spider-Man vs Batman.

While we had fund answering the question, many people don’t know what kind of questions can be asked at an interview.  That’s why people need to sign up for our Human Resource website. We cover everything you need to know about hiring, firing, performance evaluations and more.

Your Money Show also talked about the state of health insurance and why premiums are going up.  What can you do about it?  Health Saving Accounts (HSAs) are the best way to combat rising health premiums.  HSAs have low premiums and you can save money in an investment account for things that insurance doesn’t pay for.

We also answered a listener email about divorce.  A listener was supposed to get 50% of her ex’s 401k.  However she was getting the runaround from her ex-husbands former employer.  Listen to the show to find out more.