
Ready For College? – According to College Professors — 86% of high school grads are not!

Every week on Ready for College we talk about what is really essential for college prep. While our overall message is positive, the astounding truth is that almost 90% of kids do not have what it takes when they arrive on college campuses — this is a recipe for disaster! We can help you greatly change the odds — for your students — and it’s why we are hosting this program – and why we’ve written our College Smart Books. One more time ~

                                                                  Our College Smart success formula can turn this around.

Dr. Bob is one of the foremost experts in the nation on readiness for college. In talking to 12,000+ students, he’s known the problems and the causes of un-readiness in all their details for years. And he’s created a success formula that builds college-ready students one strategy at a time. The books are upbeat, practical, and conversational. Your family needs them, whether you realize it or not.

The timing of this latest survey by Campus Technology couldn’t have been better as we release our new books. It confirms an earlier Chronicle study. Plus, here’s a quote from the National Education Writers Association Research Brief: What studies say about college readiness. Jude read it on air this week:

Until recently, research on college readiness tended to focus mainly on students’ knowledge and skill in core academic subject areas. Increasingly, though, researchers are trying to take into account the much wider range of academic and nonacademic factors — including intellectual habits, self management skill and knowledge about higher education — that contribute to students’ success in college.

This quote is on point with the College Smart books and their cutting edge message that Dr. Bob has understood for years. Use the links below to buy the books — they can change your family’s life. Yes, you can buy the books on Amazon, but this discount is available only for our listeners.

All 3 books for $33.33! Take advantage of this offer while it lasts.

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