
Comparing the Biden Administration to George Orwell’s novel, 1984.  The Biden Administration’s proposal to establish a Disinformation Governance Board is reminiscent of the “Thought Police” and the “Ministry of Truth” in the totalitarian government depicted in 1984. 

Paul Smith, The Closing Argument | Web Talk Radio

Paul Smith

Most Americans have revolted at the Biden Administration’s proposed “Disinformation Governance Board,” which the Administration proposed to address what they call the greatest threat to America—domestic terrorism.  They define domestic terrorism to be “right-wing white supremacists,” and they then attempt to identify Donald Trump and his supporters to be such terrorists.  This was a tactic used by “Big Brother” in George Orwell’s novel 1984.  The “Thought Police” that Orwell described was just what the Biden Administration sought to establish.

The Biden Administration is a great fit for “Big Brother,” the leader of the Party that rules in Orwell’s fictional country of Oceania.  Just as in 1984, no one is sure whether Big Brother is even a real person, so in the Biden Administration, no one knows who is really calling the shots; Biden appears to be a puppet, who merely parrots the lines and slogans that the socialists who elected him want him to say.

The Biden Administration is not exactly the same as the Party that rules in 1984, but so many of the philosophies and tactics are the same in both that it is worthwhile to point out the similarities.  Orwell writes critically about the socialist, totalitarian society that he foresaw, which was an enemy of truth, family, love, economic prosperity and freedom.  The Biden Administration seems to be patterning its philosophy and programs after those of the Party in 1984.