
End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program with James Meade, Ph.D.

Sloane Freemont

I have an amazing interview in store for you this week!  My guest for this episode is Jim Meade. Jim is an author, speaker and Transcendental Meditation (TM) teacher. Jim has written over 35 books and his books have sold more than 750,000 copies. Clever, funny, and lucid, Meade is a born writer who has sharpened his skills with his books and hundreds of articles. He has taught Transcendental Meditation to thousands in places ranging from his home LA to Tanzania, S. Korea, and Nepal.

We all know we are living in troubling times. We may not be able to change the world, but in his latest book, End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program, Jim shows us how we can help ourselves. The problem is real and Jim offers an instant and lasting solution.

Jim was there in the mid-sixties when we were undergoing so much change as a society and there was a real surge in the TM movement.  In this episode, Jim shares what TM is (and isn’t), more about how it started and what it’s like to look back and see how far TM has come.

Jim and I talk about how TM can help us in our day to day lives to reduce/eliminate feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress and depression. There is a lot of data showing the benefits of TM and Jim and I talk through this to really illustrate how TM helps those who practice it. By eliminating these lower emotions, we are able to free up space to be more creative and expansive in our lives. 

I was not familiar with TM prior to this interview and I purposefully went into this interview without doing any research so I could approach our conversation with a true beginner’s mind. After this interview, you will have more of an understanding of what Transcendental Meditation is, how it can benefit you in your own life and how you can get started. There is so much packed in this interview you will definitely not want to miss it! 

Watch the interview with Jim Meade here:

You can connect with Jim at his website and get started with Transcendental Meditation at You can get your copy of End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Link to the slides mentioned in this episode:

More about End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program:  These days current events are fraught with political animosity, global pandemic, warfare, gun violence, and economic insecurity. The troubling times that we live in leave us uncertain where we stand and in what direction we are going. So it is with good reason that anxiety levels have peaked and the affliction has extended to almost every segment of society—whether they like to admit it or not. We may not be able to change the world but End Anxiety!: Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program, by James Meade, PhD shows us how we can help ourselves. The problem is real, so what can we do about it? In End Anxiety!, James Meade offers an instant and lasting solution—the Transcendental Meditation® program, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This may at first seem like a novel approach to the issue, but studies on the effects of Transcendental Meditation® on the mental states of its practitioners have been ongoing for over fifty years and the findings are conclusive: Transcendental Meditation can have a real and powerful positive impact on our mental health, especially in terms of mitigating anxiety, stress, and depression. Get your copy of End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

More about James Meade: James G. Meade, Ph.D., sometimes considers himself to be like Henry David Thoreau’s “The Artist of Kouroo,” who labored outside of any constraints of time and in the words of the famed transcendentalist philosopher, “made a new system in making a staff.” For Meade, now 77, the “staff” is this book. Distinction is nothing new to him. He received his Ph.D. in English from Northwestern University, graduating, as his dissertation director phrased it, “With Distinguished Commendation.” As an undergraduate he was Phi Beta Kapa from “Little Ivy” Hamilton

College where he received the coveted Frank H. Ristine Prize Scholarship to the top student in the popular and highly competitive Department of English. He was commended by the famed Woodrow Wilson Foundation and by the Danforth Foundation, eventually attending graduate school on a full, three-year National Defense and Education Act fellowship. A Founding Professor of Literature at Maharishi International University, he taught full-time at the college for its first two years and in fact taught the very first course there. Inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he left academe and began his journey into writing in the mid-1970s, with two years invested in a Transcendental Meditation® book, as yet unpublished. Reluctant to write about anything else, he allowed the exigencies of surviving on the planet to draw him into teaching writing (Harvard, Boston University, Cape Cod Community College, Fisher Junior College, the University of Maryland) and into working as a writer in industry (two years with then thriving but now defunct Digital Equipment Corporation) and then into many years as a business

writing consultant with a client list that included Lee Enterprises, Voicemail International, Lotus Development Corporation, and the Society for Human Resource Management.

In 1988 he began assembling books for the emerging computer book industry and, ever the Artist of Kouroo, lived in the world of strict editorial directives, unforgiving formulas, and unyielding deadlines. He wrote the first book on PowerPoint (Using PowerPoint, which sold 300,000 copies) and a barrage of computer “bibles” and “user” guides and, on occasion, “For Dummies” books while also pouring out columns and feature stories and Dot-Com contributions culminating in his The Human Resources Software Handbook with the august John Wiley Publishing in New York.

Ever focused on his TM® intentions, he co-wrote The Answer to Cancer with prominent Ayurvedic experts Dr. Hari Sharma and Dr. Rama Kant Mishra (revered expert in his only published work) while his wife and his inner voice kept telling him, “Write your own books about TM®.” With Dr. Sharma he wrote a breakthrough book on genetics, Dynamic DNA. Meanwhile he put to use his certification as a TM® teacher, together with his wife teaching thousands of people how to meditate while also offering weekly advanced lectures that evolved into chapters in the book he was fashioning. While teaching in many parts of the U.S., including even Alaska and Hawaii, he focused mainly in Southern California. Overseas he taught in Tanzania, Hungary, Nepal, Hong Kong, S. Korea, and Jamaica. All that intense and demanding preparation had a single focus and comes to realization now with this, his artist of Kouroo staff, End Anxiety! Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program. You can connect with Jim at his website

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