
Changing Your Mindset from Victim to Victor with David Neagle (Episode 333)

Connie Whitman Podcast Host on Web Talk Radio

Connie Whitman

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.” – Steve Maraboli  

Check out our conversation here!

Check Out These Highlights:  

I all too often hear my clients say things like, “I have no choice with X situation, so I just put my head down and keep working.” This always makes me pause because I have learned that we always have a choice, yet sometimes it may feel like we are victims of our circumstances or situations. 

The choices before us may not be easy to see, understand, or navigate, but there is always a choice because we are in control of our own lives, businesses, or careers. 

My guest this week is back for a second time, and we are going to explore the notion of how to move from victim to victor.

About David Neagle:  

David is a speaker, best-selling author, founder of the multimillion-dollar global consulting company Life Is Now, Inc., and host of the Business Daily News-ranked podcast The Successful Mind. 

Being in the personal and professional development industry for more than 20 years, David has helped tens of thousands of students from across the globe gain confidence and find the right mindset needed to increase their revenue, turning their endeavors into seven- and eight-figure ventures.

How to Get In Touch With David Neagle:  

Previous Enlightenment of Change (Episode 329):


Email:  [email protected]

Podcast:  The Successful Mind Podcast

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