• Tech Talk – How you can use the Internet to motivate you to lose weight

    So many of us want to lose weight but we lack the discipline and motivation. And we can’t all afford a personal trainer. Listen as Mr. Noobie, owner of Noobie.com and Jordan Goldberg, co-founder and CEO of stickK, talk about why using the Internet can be an effective motivator when it comes to losing weight (or reaching any goal for that matter) and how it all works.

    Be sure not to miss the weekly roundup of interesting and fun technology news as well as Mr. Noobie’s app of the week. This week Mr. Noobie shares a new game that puts a clever twist on crossword puzzles.

    In our featured product/service segment, Mr. Noobie talks about a pet booking service that helps you manage many of the hassles associated with boarding your pet.

  • Tech Talk – How you can use the Internet to motivate you to lose weight

  • Tech Talk – Automotive technology and the connected car

  • Tech Talk – Ultrabooks and the Google Chromebook

  • Tech Talk – What is cloud storage and why would I want to use it?

  • Tech Talk – Twitter, tweets and hashtags

  • Tech Talk – Smartphones: What’s hot today and even hotter tomorrow?

  • Tech Talk – Buyer’s guide for new televisions and computers

  • Tech Talk – Getting the right printer (and printing from your iPad)

  • Tech Talk – Making sense of the Amazon Kindle family

  • Tech Talk – Video calling using FaceTime, Skype and Google Hangouts

Tech Talk

Hosted by

Changes to technology are happening as quickly as news updates on Yahoo! Mr. Noobie helps you make sense of that whir of information by profiling new products, their features and their pitfalls-and explaining in plain english how they might work for you. You’ll hear behind the curtain notes about software, applications and gadgets that could very well change your life. In his weekly news segment, Mr. Noobie sums up what’s happening in the world of tech so you won’t be caught talking about something that is so last year. Got a techie question? Send it over to [email protected], you just might hear the answer on air!