
Championship Thinking in Sports – Mookie Wilson on Attitude, Baseball and Serving Disadvantage Youth

Join New York Mets Hall of Famer and Mr. Positive Attitude, Mookie Wilson*, for this informative, entertaining inside-the-park homerun show. With impressive speed and balance, Mookie touches all the bases: 1st =Attitude, 2nd=lessons from his coaches, 3rd=Giving back by serving disadvantaged youth and sliding safely at home with a three person wrap up, Mookie, Fred Plump, National Commissioner, Metropolitan Junior Baseball League and host, Jim Meier. Will he discuss game 6 of the 1986 World Series that has forever tied a knot around him and Red Sox 1st Baseman, Bill Buckner. Tune in to find out. Mookie played 10 years with the Mets and two with the BlueJays and was a Mets coach eight years.