Life Energy Flow Tai Yi (pronounced Tie Yee) is an ancient form of energy work that can be described as similar to acupuncture and, in fact, predates acupuncture. What exactly is Tai Yi, how does it work to assist a person to heal, who can offer Tai Yi treatments (exercises), and what would a person need to know before and after a treatment is completed? Listen to Joseph’s scientific answer to how Tai Yi works in the body to assist a person to heal physical issues, mental, and emotional issues, such as depression, anger, and fear. Listen to Hossca talk about being asked to perform Tai Yi in a lab setting, on a person he had never met, while a scientist observed and recorded his findings. All this and much more on this episode!
The Tai Yi school is currently full, but to know more about being a student, you can email Hossca at: [email protected] –To read more about Hossca, you can purchase his autobiography, Tide of Change, (which includes the science lab event), at Jonah Life Institute. Also, join the Integrating The Teachings of Jonah page on Facebook!