
Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Are You Married to a Sex Addict?

Denise’s guest this week, Susan Mayginnes, has been leading workshops and working with couples on their relationships for over 30 years. As Director of Training for a personal growth organization for 17 years she trained over 15 trainers to also facilitate people toward extraordinary ways of communicating and relating. As someone who has been through all stages of intimate relationship: dating, living together, married, parenting, divorce, the afterlife of divorce, starting over again in relationship – as well as having coached people through all of these stages, she has been deeply interested throughout her life in what makes relationships thrive and what stops relationships from working. As a result it has been a lifelong study and she has supported thousands of people in having truly extraordinary relationships through developing a unique body of work that combines the best of what she discovered out there in her research as well as insights and methods Susan has developed through her years of work with couples. Because there are no “one-size-fits-all” approaches to relationships, she wants you to turn to the real authority of your love life: yourself.
In her Marriage 2.0 program you will learn to begin relationships consciously and engage in ways that allow you to create the relationship experience that you want.
With all this experience, Susan still found herself married to a sex addict. Consider Susan’s experience and consider your relationships. What would you do?