
Eco Evolution – Rio +20 United Nations Inside Report

In June 2012 the largest gathering ever convened by the United Nations brought the world community together in Rio De Janiero 20 years after the first Earth Summit. While the mainstream news reports stressed the disappointment many felt and the fact that no major new environmental agreements were reached, the actual results of the summit are just starting to be seen, and there is every reason to be hopeful that Rio +20 was just the beginning of a process and not an end in itself. Tune in this insightful exchange with Chantal Line Carpentier, Sustainable Development Officer and Major Groups Programme Coordinator at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and one of the main coordinators of the Rio +20 meetings and presentations. Highlights include the Sustainable Development Dialogues, the official outcome document The Future We Want, the Voluntary Commitments, the civil society recommendations to world leaders from the Sustainable Development Dialogues “People’s Summit”, the significance of “Paragraph 47” on corporate disclosure, and the far-reaching plans for developing Sustainable Consumption and Production worldwide. After hearing this report, you won’t be disappointed.