As the Affordable Patient Care Act better known as Obamacare begins to look more and more like the Deathstar in the Star Wars saga, we have Josh Withrow from FreedomWorks to help us understand how to fight back. What can you do to stop this disaster coming to destroy America as we know it? Listen to Josh’s expertise as Doc Holliday interviews the man with the plan. Now you’ve got to listen to the U-2 and B.B. King clip singing “When Loves Comes to Town.” Why? Because Doc Holliday feels some love coming to Washington, D.C. for the U.S. Constitution and you will want to hear about this. And Doc speaks about a letter written to Secretary of State, John Kerry, from members of Congress about Americans still healing from their wounds from the Bhengazi attacks last September 11. We have not heard the last about Bhengazi, in fact no one has even explained the little we do know—as this letter tells us. And this week’s TOMBSTONE OF THE WEEK AWARD goes to a person for his lifetime of socialists/Marxists and anti-American actions—and he will never threaten America again. See who gets this week’s award by clicking the listen button right now. New listeners, be sure to check out the archives and link this page to your friends. Friend us on Facebook as we will be posting more information on that page in the coming days.