
Just Between Us – End Sexual Boredom in Your Marriage: The Secrets to Creating All the Intimacy You Want

• What’s your level of passion in your marriage?

• Do you know how to keep the passion alive and well week after week, month after month and year after year?

It’s easy to be passionate and excited about a new person you just met. But that’s a whole other conversation!

But really, once the Honeymoon is over, you’ve settled into real life, and you’re dealing with bills and dirty laundry it’s a whole new ballgame.

If you’ve been married or in a committed relationship for more than a couple of years – you’ve more than likely experienced the passion and the intimacy waxing and waning with your partner.
Join me for this must-hear conversation with Dr. Joel Block, a psychologist and the author of Naked Intimacy: How to Increase True Openness in Your Relationship.