
Quench! – An American in Burgundy

Burgundy has the reputation of being the hardest wine region in the world to understand, as well as being a notoriously closed society—a place where upwards of one dozen generations of the same family have worked the same parcels of land for centuries. With that background, consider the amazing saga of Alex Gambal. Alex went to Burgundy with his family for a sabbatical in the early 1990s, fell in love with the area, and ended up attending winemaking school in Beaune. Today he is a winemaker of considerable repute; his wines have been embraced by the French, and they exhibit that balance between power and finesse which is the hallmark of great Burgundy. Mark speaks with Alex at length about his improbable journey. In Bizarre Beverage News, Mark examines the connection between Champagne and memory, and explores the secrets of drinker who have lived past the age of 100.


Alex Gambal—Link to:

Iconic Spirits: An Intoxicating History—Link to: