

It’s apparent that our world is rapidly changing with the advancement of technology. Although the internet was introduced to the public in the early nineties, which is not that long ago, it’s hard to remember what life was like before then. Before we were able to google an answer to any question we might have! Kids and teens are so tech savvy. The current generation of kids are now being referred to as “digital natives”, because they’ve grown up with this technology.

Traditional classrooms as we know them, are becoming a thing of the past. Teachers are beginning to understand that there are more effective ways to both engage and inspire kids. Through the web, traditional ways of teaching and learning are being transformed.

Google, which we’re all familiar with and use on a daily basis, also helps to educate children. In order to learn more about Google in education, I’ve invited my guest Katie Christie to join me. Katie has a bachelor and master’s degree in education. She is a Google Certified Teacher, Google Apps Qualified Individual, and CUE Lead Learner. She currently teaches fifth grade at Runyon Elementary School in Littleton, Colorado.

Listen in and you’ll learn about…
• Google Apps and “flipping” a traditional classroom
• The benefits of using Google Apps, both in school and at home
• How this type of teaching can be individualized based on student’s needs
• How parents benefit also…parents become in the know about classroom lessons and assignments

If you’d to see Google Apps for Education and a “flipped classroom” in the works, take a look at Katie’s class.

If you’d like to connect with Katie, you can send her an e-mail: [email protected]