
Parent Well in our Digital World – The Family Meeting Makes Your Life Easier

Gloria, founder of The Parent Coaching Institute, talks with PCI Certified Parent Coach® Sheila Wenger. Sheila, the mother of twins, a boy and girl, currently age 7 is also a Lead Instructor with Parent Coach International. Sheila coaches parents—individuals or couples—through her coaching company The Parent Partner . Based in Vancouver, WA, Sheila works with moms and dads in her community and also coaches parents across the country. She is a sought-after parent coach because she brings her passion, wisdom, and practical approach to each and every coaching session. She is truly the “Partner” moms and dads appreciate, respect, and love working with!

“Come out of the circle of time…And into the circle of love.” ~Rumi

This quote from Rumi summarizes the podcast best. So often in our busy days with kids, their schedules, our work and the never-ending grueling cycle day-in and day out, we are caught in the “circle of time.” The Family Meeting provides a way out of time and into relaxed conversation, opening space for new possibilities, and inviting more participation from our kids on all levels—cooperation around the house, more emotional investment in the happiness of the family, and better understanding of what this “business of living” actually means—all within a “circle of love.”

Gloria and Sheila discuss the advantages of The Family Meeting, along with the wonderful results—short-term and long term—that occur with regular family meetings. They share success stories with their own children—how and why they got started and the many positive differences they saw which kept them at it. And they discuss what they offer their coaching clients in terms of ways to get started including how to organize the family meeting for maximum benefits.

Listen to this podcast and find out:
Why family meetings help children and teens feel more relaxed and less stressed.
Why family meetings can extinguish negative behaviors and promote more cooperative behaviors.
Three important advantages of family meetings that bring parents and children together, resulting in more family fun.
How the family meeting makes life so much easier for both parents and kids!

The Parent Coaching Corner™
The Parent Coaching Corner™ will begin for this season on January 20. Be sure to tune in!