
Hope, Healing and WellBeing – Soul Balance with Anke Otto-Wolf

Anke Otto-Wolf is the founder of “Sedona Soul Balance”, successfully embracing proven personal growth methods, and intertwining those with the ancient wisdom of Native Traditions and Ceremonies in manifesting Nature’s Energy and Spiritual Balance to Self-Belief and Self-Power. She also is the author of Give Your Soul a Gift.

A native of Germany, Anke now resides in Sedona, Arizona, where she presents insightful spiritual life coaching sessions strongly influenced by her studies and expertise in Native Philosophy and Energy Healing. As an Intuitive Life Coach and Spiritual Adviser, Anke leaves a profound mark in the field of spirituality. Her German academic background, studies in human behavior, journalism art and music, and world religions, as well as her work with at-risk inner city kids for which President Bill Clinton honored her, are invaluable insights to Soul-Balance seekers from around the globe.

Anke’s specialty is guiding individuals through the maze of metaphysical information, introducing visualizations / meditation, and presenting a down-to-earth approach to soul balance with ‘tools’ for every day. ‘Stepping into your own Power’ means to feel, find, know and be one’s own powerful, free Self. Anke discusses ways to foster healing and soul balance for oneself. She shares a technique for a simple meditative practice by playing classical music and concentrating on one instrument. Our soul needs beauty from including from poetry, music and flowers. We need to create stillness so the soul has space to create space for healing. Anke defines the soul as the essence of ourselves. We need to care for our souls. For more information please visit