When it comes to sex, are you a guy who hasn’t gotten lucky?
Or, do you know a guy who hasn’t lost his virginity and could use a helping hand?
If so, this show is for you!
This week, I’m discussing the taboo topic of adult male virginity with Frank Kermit, MA, a dating and relationship coach whose work is based on his emotional needs theories. Frank is an author of over 10 books and 19 CD lecture sets. He is a Certified Trauma Counselor and Certified Hypnotherapist and the Official Coach on Staff at the Absolute Bachelor Club Matchmaking Agency. He is the Relationship Columnist for The Suburban Newspaper Online Magazine, and a media correspondent and speaker including as a regular Contributor on Dr Laurie Betito’s Passion Radio program of CJAD 800 AM, the Kelly Alexander Podcast show and The International Great Love Debate.
Join me as I uncover the anatomy of adult male virginity.
You can hear the live broadcast of this show by clicking on the following link during the showtime: freeconferencecall.com/wall/askdrlove. YOU NEED TO TURN ON THE “RADIO” BUTTON IN ORDER TO HEAR THE LIVE STREAM!