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Host: Sheryl Glick R.M.T.
Special Guest: Jim Self
Sheryl Glick welcomes you to “Healing From Within” Sheryl is your host and author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to find and refine your inner source and is delighted to welcome Jim Self author of A Course in Mastering Alchemy, which includes a complete set of personal energy tools and ideas to help you change your attitude to life and so transform it and experience physical and energetic life as it creates a new pathway for humans to walk beyond Third Dimensional thinking and move to higher dimensions of consciousness and higher vibrational living.
Sheryl shares that listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share their search to understand life in its multidimensional context and to reach out to universal forces that are helping us master our human and divine potential. As we come to understand life in these realities or dimensions we can help humanity and the earth to its intended state of being.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Jim will share with us his awareness of The Teachers of Light from childhood and how those in the non-physical who know all of the possibilities and probabilities of what’s possible are helping us now in this three dimensional life paradigm to recreate and change within the physical, so we may achieve a higher state of consciousness. He mentions many Archangels and spiritual teachers who are working very hard with us now to transition from an experimental form of physical life to higher energetic states and consciousness that defies separation and duality and the limiting forces of our earlier training and perceptions
Jim I always love to ask my guests to think back to their childhood and remember a person place experience or dream that might have shown them or others what would be their life path and what interests would be most valuable to them in their adult life?
The book begins with the discussion of “The Teachers of Light” and Arch Angel Metatron. Also known as the Elders, the Teachers of Light are a group of Archangels and Ascended Masters working together for the spiritual evolution of all of humanity and Mother Earth. The Collective includes Archangel Metatron, Michael, Uriel and Zadkel, Lord Melchizedek Ascended Masters Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and others. They have shared and channeled the information and ideals with Jim and supportive powerful tools, energetic and initiations in present time to help us make the Shift. Their desire is to create a new pathway into a full state of consciousness and the Living Light Body.
The Book is set up:
Part 1 Introduction You will learn about the Fall of Consciousness and how humanity has gotten to the chaotic place in which it now finds itself.
Part 2 Creating the Platform to receive the wisdom from the Teachers of Light: How to build your power field understand what the dimensions are and begin to anchor new choices for your life. You’ll learn simple practical foundational tools to master your emotions thoughts and actions, This is the mastering of alchemy
Part 3 Gifts from The Teachers of Light: The 14 key energy tools that allow you to be the master of your life at every moment.
Part 4 Your Living Light body. Should you choose to continue on this path, the teachers explain what the Living Light Body is and offer the activations of the seven layers of the Light body that will allow you to experience its higher vibrational fields of light. You will experience the lightness of being as you become one with Creator and all that is
Jim shares that in a conversation he had with Archangel Metatron he was told that he and the other Teachers of Light would like to create a unique pathway upon which no human has ever walked. On this pathway the individual has the opportunity to become fully conscious of his or her personal evolution and ascension. This pathway would provide all of humanity existing in the third dimension with an opportunity to know themselves as fifth and multi-dimensional beings of light. Simultaneously, humanity would assist in returning the Earth to its intended state of being. Jim asked, “Why would you ask me?” and Metatron answered, “Because we are you and you are we.” Here in the nonphysical we know all the possibilities and probabilities of what is possible. The course in Mastering Alchemy has been compared to Helen Schueman’s A Course in Miracles 1976.
Both courses share these aspects: 1 They reveal that everything involving time space and perception is illusory. 2 They demonstrate that perception is continually fuelled by what it originated from—separation fragmentation, judgment, fear and lack—in this third dimensional time-space dream. 3 They provide practical experiences and exercises designed to expand one’s understanding and consciousness of who we each really are.
A Course in Mastering Alchemy differs in several ways however.
1. The Teachers of Light actively participate in constructing and teaching this pathway.
2. There has been a significant leap in consciousness in the last few decades. The new energies technologies and tools that are now available to us in the higher dimensions could not be received or integrated in ht 1980’s and 1990’s. These tools and teachings are new
3. Nothing is more powerful as a deeply felt experience This course doesn’t seek to change a readers perception but to build on each experience gathered and transform the participant from the inside out moving from conditioned responses to a place of expanded consciousness where discernment consideration and choice become a way of life.
The course was created to help you realign rewire and remember who you have always been You see you already know everything that you will learn, but have just forgotten it You will remember the Living Light Body or soul that is available to you that has been obscured by what we call life in the Third Dimension.
Sheryl shares with Jim that she was happy to read about and was drawn to Yeshua Mary Anna and Mary Magdalene or the triad of women as you called them. Yeshua or Jesus represents and shows us how to have a physical body and reside in the higher dimensions. He reminds us of our purpose for embodying upon the planet and how we can now do what he was unable to when he was incarnate. With the element of Love here to assist humanity to step into the higher realms of consciousness where he and the other Teachers reside. Sheryl remembers that Jesus said, “What I did you will do and more.” It seems he was here long ago to show us of our eternal soul life or Light Body that survives physical death and in that knowledge alone much of man’s suffering is ended. Jim goes on to tell us that Mother Mary the mother of Jesus embodies and teaches nurturing understanding and compassion She is a leader and teacher and represents the feminine aspect of Creator. Anna, Yeshua’s grandmother and the mother of Mary teaches wisdom and the power of discernment. She along with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene offers activations and transmissions that can help bring the balanced unified feminine and masculine creative energy into your own daily spiritual life. Unbridled and unrestricted enthusiasm is where Mary Magdalene lives and is aligned in the triad with Mother Mary and Anna. She is all about wildly creating what is possible and especially what is considered impossible.
Sheryl shares with Jim that when she was guided to awaken and remember and to develop her intuitive and connections to higher consciousness that at various points felt Mother Mary and Jesus around her: certain books about them coincidentally appeared and she to gained a greater awareness of their energy and lives. Perhaps like Jim said I am you and you are me in the oneness and unity of eternal life.
Sheryl tells Jim that 12 years ago when her daughter was pregnant with her first child she asked her what she wished to be called by her grandchild. It took Sheryl months to decide on Grandmama. One day a Reiki student and client brought Sheryl a book she thought she would like. It was called Anna Woman of Miracles and it was an autobiographical story of Anna the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. At the end of the book a Roman soldier who had helped Mary and Anna get baby Jesus out the city when they were killing the newly born Jewish boys as it was prophesied that a Messiah was just born and would be destroyed comes looking for Anna so many years later. The soldier Julian meets Jesus who was now 17 years old and Jesus tells him to wait in the garden as his Grandmama would soon be home.
Archangel Metatron described alchemy as “changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmony of matter, and applying the element of Love to create a desired result.” It’s a way of living your life with awareness and intention returning to a conscious relationship with Creator. Alchemy is transforming the density of your physicality into the Living Light Body.
We begin to do that by discovering “Thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic.” This is a very important concept. When a thought is coupled with an emotion, the combined energies become electromagnetically charged amplified and set in motion. We have four bodies, a spiritual body, mental body emotional body and physical body known as the four-body system. When you are in a state of ease feeling happy and unstressed just enjoying the world around you, you are in your spiritual body.
Now say someone comes up to you while you are enjoying the spring flowers and says to you, “You have a very funny nose.” You drop from your happy spiritual body into your mental body relinquishing your seniority and self-ownership. You think to yourself…”I don’t like this that’s not a nice thing to say Is this something I should worry about? You begin to mentally analyze what was said and how to respond. Now without any conscious thought or awareness you drop into your emotional body. These thoughts generate an emotion that doesn’t feel very good. And right there the emotion of “off balance now has an electrical thought wrapped around it. I am not okay. I’m ugly. I’m never going to amount to anything. The more you ponder the more you give up your seniority and the more uncomfortable you get. Out of desperation and to get this feeling and the thought out of your field you put it in a place of unconsciousness or in a box called denial.
But these thoughts don’t just disappear and vibrate in your unconsciousness and leads us to the Law of Attraction which does not distinguished from what you want or do not want. It simply gives you what you hold your attention on. So if your reaction, emotion to a thought is strong, the magnetic charge behind it increases. If your reaction is negative it may result in an angry outburst or you may withdraw allowing that destructive energy to build inside of you causing dis-ease….If your reaction is positive amused pleased neutral for example) your mental emotional and physical bodies will be at ease and you will have a sense of wellbeing.
Changing how you feel changes everything. Choose higher thoughts and feel lighter emotions, raise your vibration and you won’t find yourself gravitating back into the old repetitive behaviors and thoughts of the third dimension. Idea!! Often when you interrupt a long standing pattern breaking the circuit of the electromagnet the energy flows backward and forward along your timeline, changing the energy all the way back to the first time the painful thing occurred. The energy is reset to the present time allowing you the room to move freely again.
Learning to observe without reacting and allowing your feelings to be more fluid and at a higher vibration is necessary to the process. Simply said, Thoughts have density and once dense enough, thoughts materialize. If you are continually holding negative thoughts soon they become dense and materialize into matter. Therefore changing those thought forms is the first step in altering the harmonics of matter.
Jim writes, “Love and an understanding of love and applying the element of Love work with improving all conditions. Love is an interesting and very misunderstood word in the third dimension. Love in real terms, does not and cannot exist in the third-dimensional state of reaction and resistance. Love is open-ended fluid expansive radiant and powerful, whereas the third dimension is rigid, restrictive conditional and reactive. Love, as a feeling, and a powerful creative tool, only begins to be present and available to you in the fourth dimension. Love has no end. Love is beauty. Love is your inner smile Love is the power that moves the wind and pushes the ocean waves. Love is what holds the planets in their orbits. But most importantly, Love is the creative expression with each of us that creates Love has no sword. Love does not apply force and it does not restrict or limit possibility.”
The higher forms of Love are Beauty, a fourth dimension experience that helps us experience and anchor this Love. It is experienced using the third-dimensional senses of the physical body. Higher forms of love can only be accessed when you already exist in the higher levels of consciousness. Higher Beauty is the recognition and appreciation of the grandness of “All That Is.” It may occur while you are appreciating a lovely waterfall but it is not really physical. For example have you ever had a moment where you felt expanded and part of everything—a moment of such unification that you were unaware of your physicality. Those moments which can occur during a great meditation listening to music or being in nature These are moments that you can remember recreate and anchor in order to experience and apply the elements of Higher Love.
There is a great change underway in humanity now. The Teaches of Light and Great Beings with and without physical bodies are watching humanity and are surprised and wowed by the direction we are taking to uplift ourselves and our planet and other planets and all form. The Shift of Consciousness is causing everything we’ve taken for granted to either fall away or reconfigure. Rigid frameworks that defined nations, cultures and individuals are unraveling. It is affecting every aspect of life: our political social and economic structures, the weather, every institution, wars, and how we view our friendships, our work, every thought and every feeling, our memories, our DNA, the wiring of our physical bodies, our beliefs our perceptions of good bad, right wrong, and most especially, our awareness of what’s possible.
Jim shares that although you may not recognize it the Shift is providing new understandings of how we can once again live in harmony with each other, the Earth, and All That Is. The third-dimensional structure of duality: East West, Black White, Right Wrong, Good Bad, Male Female is changing and becoming less distinct. And this transition will sometimes feel rough and uncomfortable With religion politics education or relationships you may notice that separation and division are more prevalent. Racial tensions human rights wars, fear and bullying have dominated the news and attention of many. Things seem to be getting worse, louder, and less kind. To reach “Heaven on Earth” everything that is of a lower vibration must be brought up to the surface, out into the light of day and released. That is why such a high degree of conflict exists in the world right now. This increased unrest is a good sign that the imbalances are leaving soon to be replaced and uplifted. This shift is happening now because we have accomplished what we came here to achieve. The game of the third dimension has been fully played out and played out successfully. It’s now time to bring everything to completion and return Home to the heart of the Creator. Home to the higher dimensions, but not everyone is going Home on the same time ling or with the same ease and grace. Going Home is precisely what the Shift is all about. The Shift is clearing away all that we individually and collectively hold our attention upon that has nothing to do with who we are. The Shift is assisting us in rewiring our spiritual connections and realigning ourselves so we can finally remember who we are. We now have the opportunity to put ourselves together. Unlike Humpty Dumpty who remained broken, we can fix ourselves rebuilding our Living Light Body.
Sheryl says in her book The Living Spirit which seeks to show readers that beyond the thoughts of ego which often create fear and self-doubt, the truth of our divine eternal life force lives and remembers, and Sheryl wrote, “Self-mastery is an ongoing process. We are changing second by second and so is the world around us. We will never completely know ourselves or anyone else for that matter. What is important to realize is that we are not limited by our thoughts and dreams. We are not just beings of essence or spirit, nor are we merely physical bodies. We are both! Once we learn to focus and concentrate our thoughts in a more consistent manner without doubt or negativity many of our best intentions will come to fruition. I have observed and concluded for myself that happiness is not based in power or in the accumulation of monetary goods and possessions. Rather, happiness is in the joy of giving and receiving and elevating oneself in the positive, eternal energy dance in this physical dimension and with awareness of our higher spirit.”
Jim clearly tells us how the fall from Consciousness began as we moved from Spirit to form. Along time ago Creator wished to know Itself more fully. So Creator reached into itself and created many aspects of Itself including the Holy Spirit, The I AM presence and the Christed Light. Creator also created an infinite number of beings known as creator gods. Creator sent the creator gods out to explore and create new possibilities. Creator gave them a blueprint to use. Using this blueprint they created magnificent creations, new aspects of consciousness and realms of thought and wonderment. They wanted something even grander so Creator of Light gave the Will of Creator also known as the First Ray of Creation. Creator also created The Archangels and the angelic realm to be spectators of the great Creation. The second Ray of Creation was drawn from the First Ray and holds all color. It also holds the power to step up or step down energy much like an electricity transformer. Many more possibilities were available. The third Ray of Creation holds frequencies and sub-frequencies in many different configurations and arrangements known as energetic. Within the third Ray these energetic of electricity magnetism adhesion and the power held within the atom offer building blocks of constructive energy that hold all possibilities. The first second and third Rays are used during all steps of the creative process. These three Rays were given to the creator gods to expand and add to All That Is.
Eventually a new thought evolved, a new type of creation Physicalness began. Up until then all creations were non-physical. Nothing had density.
Earth is one of these special centers of Light. To assist in this reflection of Love and light a simple life form was created and placed on earth. These reflections became the air and the ethers the flowers trees and mountains. These simple life forms are known as the Elementals.
Many of the creator gods came to this Christened Center called Earth and became unknowingly contaminated by the mutations. The physical creations began to hold more distortions and less of Creators Love. As a result of this long and intense infiltration of mutations and distortions Earth could no longer continue to reflect the Christed Consciousness and Love back to those on the surface. Earth fell into greater distortion and density. As this collapse of Light occurred many of the Great Beings of Light the avatars, Elohim, Angels and Archangels were consumed and caught within the Fall increasing the density of the Fall.
Many light Beings have worked to reverse The Fall of Consciousness
In the year 2003 something exciting happened. Archangel Michael brought a new Ray that begins to end the distortions. This new Ray is active and fully engaged in the Shift of Consciousness in all the Universe. The element that came back to bring us back to Consciousness is the love that humanity holds for humanity. In the Third Dimension these mutations are known as jealousy resentment rudeness deceit domination control incest rape and isms such as sexism racism et. These feelings and thoughts are all wrapped in and based on fear and separation. Whether you know it or not The return to the Light of Creator is being played out by all the souls on the planet at this time.
Since 1987 many grand beings have been born who carry with them a vibrationary field of light that is stimulating those who came before them because of their strong intention for change
On December 12 2012 12-12-12 a major milestone occurred The vibrational configuration of Metatron’s Cube which held Earth in a restricted configuration of the third dimension was reconfigured into a fifth dimensional geometric alignment. The Third Dimension was eliminated. That was the change that the Mayan people had prophesied.
Dimensions are states of consciousness that are available to anyone who vibrates in resonance with the specific frequencies inherent within each dimension. You could think of each dimension as a box or game with a unique set of rules as to what is and is not possible to experience within that dimension. The physical around you is not the Third Dimension. The third dimension is a state of consciousness. The objects in the environment people cars trees everything are aspects of form. Form exists in the third fourth and fifth dimensions. Form is the staging props and backdrop that allow you to lead and experience the fullness of the play you call, My Life
Our thoughts and our emotions are also aspects of form. Heavy or ugly thoughts produce a dense response or emotion…If you accept someone’s opinion that you’ve done something wrong or are blamed for something you might find yourself with an uncomfortable feeling of guilt or self-blame. This dense feeling is called a “thought form.
How you choose to observe and hold thought forms influences your state and mind, your emotions and even your physical health. The third dimension is about rigid inflexible beliefs. The third dimension is structured in duality linear time and separation. Everything is conditional and choice does not exist in the third dimension. Because we have forgotten who we are as enthusiastic spirits we have lost our way and began to experience FEAR. It is only by releasing those beliefs that you can move to the next dimension.
The fourth dimension is defined by the present moment You are enjoying what you do and time seems to move quickly….if you are worried about the future or figuring out the past you have slipped back into the third dimension. The fourth dimension gives you access to your Soul to higher aspects of yourself not through your rational mind. The Fourth Dimension provides you with a greater sense of ease possibility and capability than those of the third. Fourth dimensional present time is a quiet now moment. In fourth dimensional present time you are aware of the past and future but are not held in the emotions or constructs of past or future. We only exist in the now….
The fourth dimension presents the opportunity to be able to observe the past without unconsciously attaching old emotions or pain or fear to the experience of the past Emotions can only be experienced in present time. When third dimension reaction is replaced by choice you have the ability to combine possibilities to produce outcomes. You are and informed observer with a sense of detachment.
As the third dimensional duality of good and bad right and wrong falls away an ever-expanding sense of capability begins to reawaken within you Choice creates opportunity. Opportunity allows for wellbeing. Wellbeing awakens happiness openness and the inner smile within your heart. All your dreams are within your grasp.
Sheryl says, “Jim you suggest that by moving out of the Third dimension into the fourth you align and find balance” and you wrote, “This new platform that you are building is a way of life, a living dynamic that you are remembering and that is beginning to flow easily within you. What we considered to be mere concepts in the third dimension now have a deeper meaning in the fourth. Happiness certainty seniority presence capability graciousness and command are no longer intellectual concepts, rather they become important internal sensations, understandings and feeling guided by your heart. This is your natural state of being.”
In the Fifth Dimension you don’t create with form as you do in the Third and Fourth Dimensions. You create with light patterns, geometries and templates and color codes. You consciously interact and co-create with Creator and all the Teachers of Light. It’s in the fifth dimension that you receive the transmissions energetic and initiations that will assist you in creating your Living Light Body.
Jim suggests the foundational tools you can use to know yourself and help you during the Shift. To receive the initiations and energetic the Teachers of Light offer in this course we must prepare ourselves. The energetic they offer are fine tuned and work in a quiet neutral presence. We cannot be distracted by third-dimensional noise.
Tool 1 Grounding Cord There are two elements to the Grounding Cord. Grounding is a natural part of the electrical and magnetic systems of the body. We’re born with this connection to the earth along with all the other tools we need. Grounding allows distracting and destructive thoughts and emotions to be siphoned into the Earth and minimize disruptions in your life.
Tool 2 The Rose like a broom or vacuum cleaner the Rose will help you remove from your mental emotional and physical bodies the accumulated opinions judgments and energy that you have received from other people.. Separating your energy from other people’s energy is necessary for clear decision making and for recognizing your own truth. In meditation you use the rose to set up a point of delineation and your job is to stay on your side of the Rose where you and your truth can be experienced and protected. You will begin to notice when people move into your space and you can step back and maintain your own sphere of Self. The Rose also creates a delineation not a separation which allows you to know the distance from your heart to the Rose is your energetic space and the wonders of you and everything outside the Rose is there to entertain you. This will help in relation to feeling the pain or emotions of others in a different way. The purpose of this tool is to allow everything outside of yourself to come right to the edge of the Rose, stop be observed and then you choose either to enjoy it or let it pass. The Rose will enable you to walk through this third dimensional world without experiencing it will allow you to be in the presence of sadness and worry but not part of it. You will continue to be compassionate and caring about the painful experiences of others without running the fear of their experiences through your body
Use the Rose to be between you :
1. While watching a scary movie stay on your side of the rose and the emotions or discomfort of the action happening on screen won’t affect you.
2. Around your home office or other space use the Rose to set up a boundary
3. Put around your car before you begin to drive. (four Roses in front back right and left)
Your casual attention to the Rose throughout the day will refocus your awareness of present time as well as strengthen your boundaries and keep you in your own space.
Tool 3 Centre of Your Head and Higher Mind Remembering who you are requires that you bring yourself into present-time focus to our command center where clear decisions can be made. Wishing only the best for us parents teachers ministers showed us how to live and experience life—the right and wrong, good and bad should and should nots of life. To a great extent these thoughts went into the command center displacing you, moving you to the right. You began to view your world through the filter of their thoughts beliefs experiences rather than your own. It is time to remove this habit and take back your own power.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have journeyed with The Teachers of Light who have waited a long time for Earth and humanity to raise to their realized state of divinity and to act and journey from now on in this present moment as we throw away the chains restrictions separation and rigidity of thinking that has caused us to forget our natural state of eternal light and life.
Jim would like us to remember during these changing times that you are rewiring yourself realigning rebuilding recreating and remembering your true energetic nature using all the tools of color sound geometry and the Christ Consciousness to aid the living Earth and yourself by removing the distractions and restrictions of our third dimensional thinking. As we raise to a fourth and fifth dimensional state of consciousness we will come to appreciate ourselves and others with less conflict and greater Love. We will come to know we are never alone This is a journey of transformation and the evolution doesn’t end when you put this book down go to sleep work or engage in other daily tasks.
Jim channeled these words, “You create the Living Light Body not from Third Dimensional thinking of past future time structure, but from being in present time fully aware and focused. You are successfully beginning to reshape rewire and realign yourself with your own truths and with who you really are. You are on your way to becoming aware of being aware instead of unconscious of being unconscious.”Guest: Jim Self