The words in this book answer the question, who creates a new you? Of course, you do! Your transformation begins by forging a new view. To see life anew ignites an explosion in you. When your view of everything changes, everything changes for you.
The rhyming couplets found between the covers of this book show how our lives unfold as they do and how we can refocus our energies to establish new perspectives serving the wellbeing of all. Certainly, the unfamiliar for most people is far less comfortable than the well-known. However, exploring with rhyme, with its soothing rhythmic style, opens even the bedraggled, cluttered and corroded mind.
If you can fathom a new life for yourself beyond conventional wisdom and can realize a new life can come about by shifting your attention to new intentions, there is much to be gained in reading GIBBERRISHI’S PENETRATING RHYMES. You can get your copy of Gibberrishi’s Rhymes to Contemplate: Poetic Verse Moving You Into A New Life on Amazon and wherever books are sold.