Prayer is a Journey
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John Wheelerwrote a book that he calls a prayer journey from sinner to saint for anyone who is on the journey. Isn’t that all of us?
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What happens when a man with an analytical mind takes a spiritual journey? It can lead to some interesting results. Today we’re going to take a spiritual journey while debunking a few myths surrounding some of the most popular biblical stories.
We are all on our own Journey and we follow a path guided by our own internal compass and by our beliefs and experiences. Whatever your path, whatever you’re doing for personal growth, it’s what makes you unique. We bounce through life doing the best we can right? Try not to hurt anyone, be of service to others and be in the right place mentally when the tough times come — they always come.
Today I want you to meet John Wheeler. He’s a pretty fascinating guy and he’s going to share his journey with us today. He wrote a book called “Prayer is a Journey” and while it is a spiritual one, he talks about it so matter-of-factly that you can’t help but be intrigued by it.
John Wheeler – It was like getting on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet you know.
A magical ride that starts with a phone call of sorts and what do you do when the phone rings? Well….you answer it.
John Wheeler – I was told to by God. All that knowledge that I put in the book I acquired over years. I tell them about my journey, my journey of prayer. I’ve had some experiences with God helping with different things. I was ordered to do it. For myself I couldn’t care less.
I told you he was an interesting guy. He’s obviously an author but he’s also a Lawyer, a Marriage counselor and a modern day Mystic. He was also Foundation president of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Australia for fifteen years. He also knows a thing or two about physics.
John Wheeler – I was top of the class in physics so I like physics and when I saw this bit about after the flood God put a bow in the sky I thought to myself that’s nonsense. A rainbow is formed by light being refracted by droplets of water so rainbows have been around for years. Long before Noah and then I discovered one of God’s tricks or methods. I shouldn’t say tricks. He will say things that are patently silly to get a message across and there’s one of them.
So he’s not against religion when he says these things didn’t happen, he’s just saying you need to think about them differently. They didn’t happen the way you were told but to know the difference you need to pray.
John Wheeler – Anyone that understands physics knows that rainbows have been around long before Noah. Secondly, there never was a flood. The flood refers to the path, the time in your life when your soul is cleansed and then you live in the art with all your family and that’s how we live a quiet life in the ark. The art was supposed to be made of timber; well timber loses its strength at 300 feet. There’s ben people in America that built an ark, cost them millions of dollars, they went out to sea, got into a storm, it fell to bits and they all died. They’re allegories. You have to spend a lot of time praying and you have to have a lot of inspiration, a lot of gifts to understand the allegories. How did the ark get across the ocean? It had to get up the Amazon river. It’s a really strong river, 300 miles, it had to get up 3000 miles, not possible. How did Noah understand two million creatures? Some say it was twenty million creatures but even two million it’s just not possible. How would he know two million creatures? Not possible. So it’s just not possible if you use your common sense you say it’s just not possible.
Some of that is controversial depending on your belief system but the big takeaway here is the stories are allegorical. Don’t dismiss them. Work to understand them so you can get the benefit from them. While we’re on the subject, let’s talk about Adam and Eve.
John Wheeler – Adam and Eve never existed. Adam is the first man and Eve is the first woman in a person’s soul. We are made in the likeness and image of God. We look like him, not a martian. We’re made in his image, in other words we have his spirit so that’s where we all start and we find a way to sin and we lose that.
I wish you were sitting here with me so I could see your reaction. It’s a bit abstract but it makes total sense if you are able to think spiritually. If you understand that we are all spiritual beings and we are eternal. To illustrate this John put a picture of a moon rock on the cover of his book.
John Wheeler – and the significance of that is that that rock was discovered by Nasa. It’d been on the moon for four and a half billion years. have a look at the rock and think about four and a half billion years and then think about four and a half billion, billion years and then think about eternity because that’s where you’re gonna finish. You need to make decisions now because eternity doesn’t end. four and a half billion years is nothing compared to eternity. That’s what that is all about.
It’s a lot to think about but he says that’s really the key. Thinking and reflecting on our life, our purpose and what we were put here to accomplish — which is to grow spiritually.
John Wheeler – The only way to get insight is you must pray to be given insight. I think it’s Paul the Apostle and one of the famous Greek philosophers, I forget which one says the unreflected life is not worth living. Unless you lie down at night and run through what you did that day or week and correct yourself, reflect on your life, your life is not worth living because you’re not making any advances. That’s my take on the whole subject. People need to pray and reflect on their life. How can I improve on myself, what have I done wrong, what did I do wrong today, what mistakes I made — because we make mistakes all day and just correct them. That’s all.
He’s talking about Socrates who is said to have proclaimed “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Along his journey John found that one of the problems with modern religion is that it doesn’t work anymore so he says he was asked by God to help rebuild his church but not literally, from a spiritual standpoint.
John Wheeler – It is God’s will to be holy. It is in the bible that exact statement. It is God’s will that you be Holy and to be Holy you don’t go and have a cup of coffee and say today I’m going to be Holy you have to work at it. You have to pray. You have to study. You have to work in the environment. It’s meant to be a thought provoking book. It’s meant for people to read and to study if you like and acquire the knowledge. I’ve written hundreds of books so it’s not just this book. I’m just trying to give people the method of doing it, you know. If God wants you to be Holy then why the Hell would we not be Holy?
John says “Become Holy and you’ll have a life like you wouldn’t believe”. If you want to learn how to do that have a look at his book “Prayer is a Journey” by John Wheeler
John Wheeler – If God wants you to be Holy then why the Hell would we not be Holy?
Why the hell indeed. Look for Prayer is a Journey at all the usual places. It depends what country you’re in but we’ve put links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble in the show’s description, and that will do it for this edition of Newsgram from