The Podcast
This podcast can be found on all major podcasting platforms, search Talking Books with/hosted by J T Crowley. The video can also be found on YouTube again search Talking Books with/hosted by J T Crowley.
The Author
Born in the 1940’s, and married for fifty-nine years with four children, John Leslie Wheeler has certainly led a full and varied life. The Gold Coast of Australia where he lives is not only a beautiful part of Australia but the world as well. Throughout his life in the legal profession as a solicitor he witnessed a variety of legal cases both corporate and personal and on reflection he would often recount that behind each outcome there was a person or persons facing a challenging period within their life or lives. Outside of the legal profession John vehemently worked on a voluntary basis to support couples going through marital issues, sometimes the outcome would be positive but equally at times the marital woes where unreconcilable. In each scenarios John would reflect on what was right for all parties concerned and that’s probably why the last Chapter in his book is headed up ‘Love, Marriage and Family.’
John has been a follower of the Catholic faith for a considerable time, having said that it would be fair to say that he doesn’t always take the literal translation of what the church deliberates on. Right from childhood he has conducted his own research to what he believes is the true meaning within the biblical scriptures and is not averse to holding the church to account for its version of biblical contents despite finding himself at times seated in the unpopular pews. This book of how to pray is really a life’s work put into twenty-seven chapters in one thought-provoking book.
Check out our video chat here!
The Book
This book has been written for those that are searching for a better more inconsequential mastery to understanding how to pray to develop a closer relationship with God and his message to man. The author puts it in a simpler format, ‘the book is a prayer journey from sinner to saint for anyone who is on a journey.’
For me the book has many facets, ideologies for the reader to contemplate all around the art of insightful prayer to enrich a person’s daily life no matter what challenges, temptations or Joys lie in their path that day. The biblical references which can be found throughout the book are not directly quoted, they are numbered within the text and in the end notes towards the end of the book you’ll see those numbers set against a scriptural passage so it’s it to you the reader to go look them up and for me form your own opinions. I think you’ll find them poignant and enhance what the author is saying.
There are twenty-seven chapters teeming with interesting concepts and thoughts; for the purpose of this podcast, we’ll focus on eight chapters to give you the reader a flavour of what John Wheeler is talking about, those chapters are listed below, if you want to know what’s in the other nineteen chapters well! You’ll have to get a copy of the book.
These are the chapters for me that stood out above all others, watch the video or listen to the audio version to see what was said.
Prayer is a journey.
When and where should we pray.
Listening to God in prayer.
Trusting God.
Prayer for our enemies.
Prayer for righting injustices in the environment.
Working in the garden.
The life journey
Social Media Sites.
If you want to purchase or find out more about John Wheeler’s thought provoking book then click the Amazon link below or head to his webpage or his publishers webpage
Thank you, John, for an insightful and stimulating conversational discussion around gaining more from prayer.