
The Power of the Lemon by Libby Mcgugan

Sam Youmans, host of Newsgram, production director at and all around man about town.

Sam Youmans

Libby Mcgugan is a former healer who experienced things she couldn’t
explain. People were healing from terminal illnesses against the odds.
Healing from things that medicine can’t cure. So she took an inspiring
and what she calls an unexpected journey to help people find out why
and it led to the discovery of a deeper connection to our true nature.
Her wisdom is shared in “The Power of the Lemon” and it’s designed to
reconnect you with your true self.

Welcome to this edition of Newsgram!

Our body is an amazing thing. It is constantly in a state of repair,
trying to fix what we’ve done to it or ward off bacteria and other
things that are trying to make us sick. Every now and then it stumbles
for various reasons, so we go to the doctor for help and there’s
nothing wrong with that. It’s what we’ve been conditioned to do but
today I’m going to introduce you to Libby McGugan who says hold on a
minute. There’s more to think about here.

Libby McGugan  – Thoughts are bundles of mental energy and when you
get down to the root of everything in our world it’s all energy
exchanging information with itself so the body and the mind are no
different. The cells of the body and the system of the body is
immeasurably intelligent. It has its own natural intelligence. It just
knows what to do. It knows how to beat our hearts, glue our hair, heal
our cuts and we don’t have to think about that. The you consider the
magnificence of our human system, its got like what thirty-seven
trillion cells in each of us You can’t imagine trying to coordinate
that number of interactions for not just  one deadline but for
trillions of deadlines every day, for a lifetime it’s just mind
blowing to consider what’s going on and recognizing that there is an
intelligence that coordinates things that is bigger than our mind so
there’s something else in there that we often overlook.

And if you said “Duh, it’s God” I would not argue with you but that is
not where we are going today. Those kinds of interpretations are
unique and individual and on today’s program we are just asking you

Libby McGugan – Look beyond the walls of intellect of what you think
you know to the infinite space of wisdom to what you don’t know yet.
Through her gentle guidance your best life unfolds and you realize the
whole universe is on your side.

That is Libby McGugan with some pretty profound wisdom from her book
“The Power of the Lemon” and I’d like to read you the forward from her
book because it does a great job of expelling what we’re talking about
here, which is the power of our thoughts.

Quote from the Power of the Lemon — Imagine you’re in your kitchen. On
a wooden chopping board in front of you is a large, plump yellow
lemon. Take a knife and cut it carefully into quarters, see the juice
spill out onto the wood, breathe in its sharp citrusy scent. Lift one
of the lemon segments to your mouth, feel the fleshy capsules bursting
with liquid as it touches your lips. Now, take a bite. What happens?

If you’re like most people, your cheeks pucker, your saliva glands
cave in and your mouth waters like a running tap. You might shiver or
wince. Your body has an immediate, visceral and very real response to
… what? A lemon?

No. To a thought about a lemon.

The power of the lemon is that it shows us the power of thought. This
is the doorway to our inner power.

The lemon is one of our greatest teachers. Not only does it illustrate
in real, physical terms that we are experiencing our thoughts, it also
points us to the power of our creativity in shaping our reality. There
is no lemon. Simply the act of focusing on a thought about a lemon,
shapes our experience in that moment and our body responds
immediately, as if the lemon was real.

Do you see the power of thought?

Libby McGugan – Think of a sad memory and your body produces tears,
think of someone you are in love with and your heart rate goes up and
think of the placebo effect. If we are working from a mechanistic
standpoint giving someone a placebo should not affect them but it
does. Taking a placebo alters brain activity that we can see on
functional MRI scanning.

That was a clip from her Ted Talk on youtube and it was truly
inspiring. I you want to see it just google Libby McGugan Ted Talk or
look at this shows description, I put in there for you. In that clip
she’s talking about the Placebo effect . It’s not supposed to work but
somehow it does because there is real power in believing and knowing
that anything is possible.

Libby McGugan – Throughout my career with twenty years as a Doctor and
ten years as an emergency room attendant I kept meeting people who
were improving against the odds with conditions that medicine can’t
cure so it got me really curious about, what are we missing? There’s
something that these people are doing that we haven’t worked out yet.

In her Tedx Talk she gives some very specific examples, like Colin…

Libby McGugan – Colin from Liverpool, who had an inoperable brain
tumor and was given just a few weeks left to live when he saw his
brain scans he began imagining his tumor shrinking. That was fifteen
years ago and he’s been clear since.

So rather than dismissing these occurrences as anomalies or one-offs,
she decided to leave her job in 2013 and spend all of her time
learning from these amazing people who were recovering from inoperable
brain tumors, end-stage cancer, brainstem strokes, locked-in syndrome
and those kinds of things, where the typical recovery rate is very low
and very slow if there is one at all.

Libby McGugan – It kick-started a journey for me that took me through,
from what I thought I understood about the body and who we are as
human beings and how it all works. It kind of broke that all open and
took me on a journey through philosophy, psychology, physics and
running around full circle into the power of the human spirit.

I should clarify something here before you have any misunderstandings.
Her book and this show is just designed to offer information of a
general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spirit­ual
well-being. It may sound like it a bit but it’s not a medical show and
we don’t claim to have a cure for chronic conditions were’ just
presenting Libby’s experiences and the things she witnessed that could
not be explained and led her to document the findings you’ll see in
her book.

We’re not trying to dispense medical advice here or prescribe the use
of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or
medical problems. For those things we still recommend seeking the
advice of a physician but Newsgram is all about fascinating people
living their lives in interesting ways and sometimes we find someone
or something that goes way beyond interesting to mesmerizing and
that’s how I find the power of our thoughts.

Libby McGugan – Really around empowering people to connect with that
space within them where they will find their own wisdom and their own
empowerment. It’s helping people connect with their true nature which
is where that lies.

Her book is a gentle and powerful guide into learning  who you really
are, and this is going to get a bit deep but what the heck, you’ve
stuck with me so far so listen to this.

Libby McGugan – I think the most important realization that I had and
that I think people have when they look in this direction is that our
experience is created from thought, you know the whole thing, so our
experience of life, how we feel about life and the meaning we get from
it is all thought so the power in that; really stepping back and
seeing the power in this and importantly recognizing that we are not
our thoughts we can kind of assume that the thoughts I have are just
who I am but actually that’s not the case. Who we are is the one
observing the thoughts. So it brings us back to this place of
stillness and peace within us which is really a place of observation
and a place from which we can decide and discern where we’re going to
place our focus and that’s a game changer.

Linger on that for a moment. How often do we obsess about a problem or
an illness and by doing so we give it more power than it deserves. For
me that illness is stress and when you give it power it doesn’t go
away instead your nervous system continues to react to it causing even
more physical problems. It’s an unending spiral and Libby’s
observations are a way out of that spiral.

Libby McGugan – There’s so much more to discover beyond our old
assumptions. Imagine the freedom of living your best life unencumbered
by doubt. How it happens is the adventure you are here to live.

There is so much more to life than that which we are aware of and we
can tap into all of it by just being positive, by focusing on love
instead of hate by allowing our thoughts to settle and feel the
experience of that inevitable shift in our state of being. That’s
where the power is. That is where peace lies and who doesn’t need some
peace. “The Power of the Lemon” by Libby McGugan is a collection of
musings and bite-sized bits of wisdom that I think you’ll enjoy.
Here’s one that I actually knew but it made me smile to read it.

Quote from the Power of the Lemon — Have you noticed that your best
ideas occur to you when you’re doing something else, like having a
shower or driving? Left to themselves, thoughts settle down and our
mind clears on its own, making space for new thoughts.

~ Keep a light touch. There’s no need to interfere.

Libby McGugan – There’s one line I think is probably one of the most
powerful things I’ve ever learned and here we go it says, attention is
your super power what you give your attention to comes to life. We
think we’re observing the world, we’re not, we’re creating it. Whether
we create the same things day in day out is up to us. When you realize
we are creating every moment we can use our super power for good.
Begin to shift your focus to what you would prefer to experience for
yourself and others and watch what happens.

This edition of Newsgram was written and produced on the Eve of
Christmas 2023 so I guess I’m just in the spirit to wish you peace and
a long and happy life. “The Power of the Lemon” is a perfect reminder
that our experience is created by our thoughts. So enjoy a good
comedy, listen to your favorite kind of music, think healthy thoughts
and be well.

It’s a guide to help point you to a deeper awareness of who you really
are, toward your own wisdom and the light which is eternal and within
you. It’s a reminder of just how supported and loved we all are. And
that will do it for this edition of Newsgram from

Amazon link:

Libby McGugan was recently featured on the Book on Air podcast with
Suzanne Harris.