
A Million Ways to Die

Minerva Garcia, Microbiologist

Minerva A. Garcia, MLS, MT (ASCP), MS

Who wants to die?
No one …
Who wants to live?
Everyone …

Why some people commit suicide?
Why others seek the best MD to live? 
Who can explain the unexplainable? 
Who would be the first to cast their sinless? 

Or, ever better …Who can cast their sins?
I know, no one, everyone thinks they’re innocent 
They think, they are victims whom to be blamed?
What excuses they have? 

I may never seek to be a hero
Nor claim to be a genius of words 
I cannot state, am the very best 
I know am weak, but like to stand strong 

Going back to the title 
“A Million Ways to Die”
Aren’t we lucky enough to survive 
To still be around and count our ways 

Without being negative …
Let’s think of the positives 
Without bringing a pessimist and piss none
Let’s seek perfection, an opportunist of optimism 

With a bag full of goodies, none sees 
Let’s unwrap it slowly choosing your 
Great only hand, discard and disregard  
Your bad one, it’s like having none 

By choice of wisdom 
Be wise to choose right 
All the wrong discard 
Weekly or bi, the garbage gets picked up

Throw in it …
All the unwanted materials 
You can include, all the not treasured thoughts 
If doesn’t work, shored your mind with pleasure 

You may not think you can control 
That of many of things …However
Your mind you can … your actions, you can 
You’ve a free will, you’ve a choice 

Think carefully …
Whatever enters 
Your mind …It is one of the 
Most powerful weapons and energy

We all got …
Do not teased it 
But, please …
Protect it 

Minerva A. Garcia, Your Poet