
Happy Ali Talks About The Intuition Bible

Roberta Grimes

Our guest this time is Happy Ali, who has made a thorough study of the whole field of what he calls intuition, which is this great, massive area of internal guidance and help from discarnate beings and energies of all descriptions that is available to us all. Now he teaches others how to access their own internal guidance, and he writes about it in what Roberta considers to be an extremely helpful book.

Happy Ali has a BA degree in psychology from UCLA. He calls himself a prophetic dreamer. He is a certified master NLP practitioner, a certified master clinical hypnotherapist, and host of the Happy Insights podcast. Happy’s spiritual journey began in 1995, when he dedicated his life to the exploration of metaphysical disciplines after a near-death experience inspired a dramatic awakening. Now, Happy teaches, and he globally shares the Subconscious Manifestation Methodology that he created. He lives in Los Angeles, and his wonderfully insightful book on these subjects is called The Intuition Bible: How and Why to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom. Happy’s website is

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