
The Diablo Meteorite that Is Taylor Swift

Minerva Garcia, Microbiologist

Minerva A. Garcia, MLS, MT (ASCP), MS

What is a meteorite? As causes endless
Of damages and prints of beauty …
To our dearly-graceful of a
Mother, as is Earth
Not counting the pitted Earth’s moon
I can smell its perfume
Afar and from its distance
Some become super famous
While, others not!
Why not?
Only, Ms. Taylor Swift … can get honors
Swiftly appearing in every continent
Swiftly singing notes with melodies
For the swiftness of today’s … increasing
With fans as wish can hold her hands are
Millennials, baby boomers and Gen X
She sings her own notes wittily written
Thru her hands … she sparkles with notes
Now, in Canyon Diablo meteorite
Ms. Swift can travel there
Why not? Because,
The Barringer crater, Arizona no stadium there
Ms. Swift, swiftly enters in
Shining like a bright star
Not like a meteorite capturing Earth’s crust
She’s unique … with her guitar and melodies
Vaporizing like a burning flesh …
Oh’ no, not her
Meteorite leaves
Endless traces of a new orange Earth
Ms. Swift leaves teens screaming …
Telling more, songs … begging for more songs
Metro leaves fragments as entered … Earth
Breaking in as it cracked in thus spread
Ms. Swift cracks no jokes
Too serious for her notes
Tiny of trillions of pieces left in Earth
We stand to witnessed all … in Arizona

Ms. Swift fans all hold hands …
Please, please, sing one more song
You born in Pennsylvania
Will you visit Latin America?
In Arizona:
Closing in to 5 million visitors annually
Is never alone … in Arizona nor is Ms. Swift
In Mexico and Brazil where bodies move, moves
Moves, more than sneak moves … awaits her
The most famous, end of dinosaurs in the …
Yucatán Peninsula, in Mexico
Ms. Swift will make her move in Mexico
Will the mariachi’s make a miracle sing lined up
Country music rather than pop …?
Actually known, Chicxulub
6 miles crater … there
Became the destroyer
Taylor Swift stood up, the new creator of notes
To the giants of creatures
To the smallest ones …
Ms. Taylor Swift, shifted their opinions
They all now, feel swiftest
The crater … of the moon
Buried underneath …
Ms. Swift perfume matches …
of endless beauty …
Only Ms. Swift transfers
Everyone like notes …
Yes, she transfers everyone
To like her notes …
66 million years ago
6 miles crater… striking Earth
Ms. Swift strikes …
Her notes, everywhere she goes
75% Earth’s and plants gone
All burned- washed
Ms. Swift stands alone building and multiplying
Her wealth unlike a meteorite that stale …

Oh’ no, not her!
We know, what we know … Ms. Swift
Will grow in popularity
As little, as one’s grows
She the biggest impact in music known, today
A music genius
Of her time …
2nd largest impact
She the first
What was first?
Meteorite S2
3.26 billion years ago …
200X’s larger, killed the dinosaurs
Are we to expect a next?
Why do events, such happens?
Evolution? Punishments from the God’s
You be …
That of a higher judge
I like to end …
Not saying, much
I say:
Will be Ms. Taylor Swift
A new LP …
An album worth it?
For definite
… and for sure
She is …
The meteorite, shaking music of today
Minerva A. Garcia, your Poet