• TechAware – Holiday Edition

    This episode addresses:
    The Best and worst Tech for 2013
    Social Media-Where’s it going
    Cell Phones – Too much texting?
    Case Histories:
    Mary Ellen
    Chat Prostitute
    Newlywed Gambler

    This episode will give you a laser precise look at what is going on with technology today and how you can protect your family, friends and loved ones from inappropriate use of technology.

  • TechAware – Holiday Edition

  • TechAware – 110413

  • TechAware – Kent Moyer

  • TechAware – 091613

  • TechAware – Is technology Causing Divorce


Hosted by

Today’s world is at our fingertips, literally. Our keyboards can take us across the globe to connect with people, places and products. When traveling in real time, we take precautionary steps for security to protect ourselves. Why don’t we protect our “virtual” selves on our various electronic devices? Philip Rosenthal will help you with logical, practical tips to galvanize your identity, your equipment and your online presence on TechAware. Join us for the latest news and methods.