WebTalkRadio.net Host

Host: Stephanie Erickson

Join us for a lively conversation focusing on the diverse aspects caregiving. We will explore the unique and universal issues that all types of caregivers face, whether the caregivers are adult children looking after their senior relatives, individuals caring for someone with a terminal or chronic illness, seniors caring for adult children with disabilities, or even extended families providing support and care for a family member with a mental health challenge. We understand the impact one’s commitment to caregiving can have on your life. Caregiving brings time management constraints as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual struggles. In addition, caregivers confront financial obligations, legal ramifications and workplace consequences. By taking this holistic viewpoint, we’ll offer helpful strategies and resources that can be applied for every personal situation. Tune in every week for your solutions on Caregivers’ Circle.
Intro music ‘Windows Of The World’ by David Allen Baker. Music available on iTunes and www.davidallenbaker.com.

Caregivers’ Circle with Stephanie Erickson

A California native, Stephanie Erickson earned her Master’s degree in social work in 1995 and quickly began working with family caregivers. Throughout her 20 years as a social worker Stephanie has worked with caregivers in myriad of situations: adults caring for children with mental health and intellectual disabilities, seniors caring for adults with disabilities and mental health challenges, families caring for their loved ones at the end of life, and for the past 13 years caregivers of seniors.
Stephanie has had the honor of assisting families who were struggling with balancing their caregiving responsibilities, work, and their own family obligations. These families have shared how difficult it is to find the time, resources, finances and emotional energy to meet all of the demands placed upon them. Stephanie is passionate about encouraging families to have proactive conversations about caregiving and counsels her families on how to foster a team approach to planning and intervening in all aspects of care and support for another. Stephanie not only continues with a clinical practice focused on Elder Care but also provides training and consultation services to non-profit groups, financial institutions, insurance companies and community groups. She also is a regular guest on radio and television programs throughout the U.S. and Canada. See Stephanie’s TedX Talk here