Special guest Dr. Nikki Instone, author of the “To Live an Incredible Life: A Simple Guide to Using Your Thoughts and Feelings to Create the Life You Want”, shares her insights on your true power to direct your life. Do you know why you feel the way you feel? Do you know why you think the way you think? Dr. Instone unravels the mystery. When you know what you need to know about the world around you, it all changes for you. Life gets easier. Your relationship gets easier. Really.
Dr. Nikki shares with us the most important steps to take after a big break up. She unlocks the secrets to healing a broken heart after a painful experience.
And Dr. Nikki explains the role of our emotions and goes on to describe techniques that can be helpful to deal with them in our daily lives and in our romantic relationships. In the interview, we dive into the dangers of holding faulty beliefs and we explore the harmful effects of the troublesome word “should” and the relationship problems that it causes. Dr. Instone also gives advice on how to prepare to start a new relationship. Then she shares her three best pieces of advice. Tune in to make all of these powerful tools your own.
And at the end of the show in this week’s Just Say No To The Status Quo segment Donna Marie explores “Feelings – Who is in Control”? and sets you off on a personal challenge involving three of your own feelings.