
Naturally Vibrant Living – A Difficult Topic that Impacts the Environment – A Greener Way of Honoring our Loved Ones

One subject that can be very difficult to talk about is that of how we honor and take care of our loved ones when they pass away. Yes, this is something that many of us don’t care to dwell on. However, could it be that what we’re doing could be having a negative effect on the environment and health? Diane Brandon is joined this week by Mark Harris, a former Environmental Columnist with the Los Angeles Times and author of Grave Matters – A Journey through the Modern Funeral Industry to a Natural Way of Burial. Mr. Harris has studied our modern funeral and burial practices – and their impacts – quite extensively. He has some important information to share with us on this delicate topic that has remained in the shadows for too long. As it turns out, there are some healthier and greener alternatives.