Most everyone has been affected by abusive relationships. Whether we are directly involved in the relationship as victim or victimizer, or have a friend, family member, or co-worker that is caught in the cycle of abuse, our senses are aware of the drama and sense of helplessness.
Join Lisett Guevara and Jim Gulnick of Love Works as they interview Justin Nutt, author of The Good Guy, the Bad Guy, and the Ugly Truth. The book helps people recognize patterns that repeatedly lead them to the wrong partner and provides exercises to help increase self-image and change relationship perspectives. This episode of Love Works discusses:
• Exercises to help recognize and break the cycle of abuse
• Why changing attraction patterns may be needed to avoid abuse
• How victims and victimizers may benefit from caring counseling help
Justin is also founder and Executive Director of Acts of Random Kindness (ARK), a disaster relief organization that helps provide direction to individuals and families in the wake of natural disasters. All proceeds from sales of The Good Guy, the Bad Guy, and the Ugly Truth made through Justin’s website will be used to fund the domestic violence work of Acts of Random Kindness.