
Clutter Breakthrough – Perfectly Organized? How perfectionism holds us back!

Definition: Perfect – entirely without flaws, defects or shortcomings.

How many of us strive for the impossible in our life? How many of us continually fall short? And more importantly, how many of us beat ourselves up for not meeting our own expectations of doing things perfectly or being perfect? Join me to talk about where perfectionism originates and how you can begin to shift the way you think about trying to attain perfection. Perfectionism is in our human nature, the degree to which we strive for it and suffer the effects of it depends on our early experiences and our ongoing self talk about ourselves to ourselves.

Join me and Barbara Drohan Dooley, a Transition Wisdom Consultant, as we talk about perfectionism, blame, shame and judgment and how to release yourself from the negative impact of old beliefs. The mental and spiritual clutter that is perfectionism is perpetuated by unrealistic images in the media and the cycle of self talk with have with ourselves. Barbara shares a deep personal story that will help you see how messages from our past can continue to show up in our present!