Dr. Maurie Pressman is a psychiatrist trained in psychoanalysis who has spent his lifetime studying the higher reaches of energy and the mind. Affiliated with Albert Einstein Medical Center and Temple Medical School in Philadelphia, at 90 years of age he has recently published Living in the SuperMind – from Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind, an exploration of the intelligent dimension that creates and orchestrates the world and the way to tap into that infinite power. In his practice and life, Dr. Pressman uses meditation, dreams, and self-reflection to explore the inner realms of the Soul, which is the expression of the Divine Spirit that we can access on Earth. He describes seven levels of energy which replicate a hologram of power, unity and love descending and ascending in a dynamic pathway of communication from the SuperMind to the personal mind. We experience this communication as a natural goodness and buoyancy which manifest in peace or flow during meditation, sports, and daily living. Dr. Pressman discusses the Witness, Life after Death, and the process of Surrender necessary to enter the SuperMind. His other books are Visions from the Soul: From Personality to Spirit and Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner, all available at Amazon. Our listeners can contact him at 215-922-0204 or www.mauricepressman.com.