
Inside the Writer’s Cafe with Cheryl Nason – Music, Family and Angels


Cheryl Nason

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SONG: The Life, Family and Music of George and Emma Kelly by Ross Kelly

The book is part family history, part biography of Emma Kelly who is best known as the piano player who could play almost any song. She was a close friend and collaborator of songwriter Johnny Mercer and was called “The Lady of 6,000 Songs”, in the best seller “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.”

Author Ross Kelly, one of the ten children raised by Emma and George Kelly, shares a firsthand account of a nonstop, whirlwind family music fest that at times bordered on being out of control. This close-knit, loving family guided by their commitment to one another, their love of music, and a foundation of principles employed by their parents to guide and shape the lives of their ten children. “What’s Your Favorite Song” could almost serve as a guide for how families of any size, anywhere, can successfully manage the challenges of juggling relationships, careers, and children.

JOSIE by Fred Warren

Josie Spenser is a twelve-year-old girl who has a big secret. A secret too big to keep to herself. But with whom can she share such surprising information? As Josie searches for answers, she discovers that a neighbor, Mr. Stone, has a secret of his own-the very same secret that Josie is keeping. With the aid of Mr. Stone, Josie finds that her secret is allowing her to see a whole new world around her. In this newfound clarity, Josie discovers previously unseen dangers and people in need of her help. She also finds herself looking for answers to questions she had never before considered. She is also faced with the question of whether or not to share her secret with her mother. As doing so may risk the great relationship Josie and her mother share, Josie realizes that only she can decide if telling her mother is the right thing to do. With each decision becoming harder to reach, Josie sees that the choices she makes will change her life, and the lives of those around her, forever. This book allows parents to share a fun and exciting story with their children and explore some important questions together. The biggest question of all being: What is Josie’s secret?