
Happily Ever After is Just the Beginning! – Jealousy and Suspicion and Snooping, Oh My!

Lesli Doares | WebTalkRadio

Lesli Doares, LMFT

Trust is the key to a happy, healthy relationship. Unfortunately, it often falls victim to fear—fear of being hurt, of being betrayed, of being unloved. While these fears may not be irrational, they often lead to irrational and unproductive behavior, such as attempts to control your partner or constant questioning of them. These behaviors then lead to the end of the relationship, thereby reinforcing the validity of these fears. Linda Mastroianni brings her take on eliminating suspicion and creating trust in your relationship to the show. Join the discussion with Linda and Lesli and learn how to take your power for happiness back. Share your thoughts and experiences with Lesli and @LesliDoares.