
Caregivers’ Circle – How Compassion Fatigue for Professional Caregivers Impacts Their Lives and Those who They Support

There is a lot of information and awareness as to the needs of family caregivers.  This is great.  But let’s not forget the professional caregivers such as nurses, doctors, and social workers and the first responders such as paramedics, fire fighters and police officers who witness tragedy, trauma, heartbreak and illness on a daily basis.  This week’s guest, Françoise Matthieu, the director of Compassion Fatigue Solutions Inc., and I speak about Compassion Fatigue and the struggles that professional caregivers find when repeatedly being confronted with tragedy, sadness and challenges.

One of the best ways to connect with those who have cognitive deficits is through music.  We can use music to stimulate memories and to make connections with our loved ones.  Alzheimer’s Music Connect offers 4 CD compilations and DVD’s for caregivers to use to help their loved ones access remote memories and create meaningful experiences in the present.