
Happily Ever After Is Just The Beginning! – The Top 10 Reasons People Get Divorced

Lesli Doares | WebTalkRadio

Lesli Doares, LMFT

With all the recent focus on marriage—who should be allowed to marry, whether it is still relevant, which celebrity’s marriage is on the rocks—what is left out of the conversation is the real threat to marriage. It isn’t about whether same-sex marriage is destroying the institution, but whether the ease of divorce is. Divorce used to be something to be avoided. I firmly believe that is still true for couples walking down the aisle today. Unfortunately, divorce is often seen as an easy option when things aren’t going well. It’s also viewed as almost inevitable. On today’s show, Lesli is going to examine the most common reasons for divorce and give you ways to avoid them in your marriage. Share the show with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Clammr.