
Rock Splitting Politics – South Carolina’s Time for Choosing——Ted Cruz for President!

Doc Holliday

Join Doc Holliday for an important announcement concerning the Republican nomination for president.  Doc Holliday has been in South Carolina and at Camp Cruz specifically.  Listen to what Doc Holiday has to say about the Ted Cruz ground game and listen to some of last week’s presidential debate as Doc Holliday compares it to the fighting at Gettysburg.  Could the voters of South Carolina render a decision that would be to this election season what Gettysburg was to the Civil War?  Better listen to this week’s show for that answer and not only does Doc educate you about this election process in the light of the death of Justice Scalia from the U.S. Supreme Court, but he also interviews author John McTernan as he helps us better understand what is happening in Syria even as we speak.  Syria could be a powderkeg for World War III and you need to know its implications on the United States and the world.  Doc Holliday was not the only one to be at Camp Cruz in South Carolina this past week, you can read more about the operation Cruz has put together in the National Review at this link.  A very important decision is being made this week in South Carolina and we encourage you to send the link of this show to all your friends and freedom loving Americans everywhere.  Freedom is not free, now’s the time to roll up your shirt sleeves because when the going gets tough the tough get going.  Press on, if God does not move the mountain, then ask for the strength to climb it!  And like us on Facebook!