
Conversations About Divorce – What Is Safe Sex And Are You Ready To Talk About It?

Being physically intimate is a normal, even integral component to most romantic partnerships. So if you’re dating, chances are you are going to be talking about sex. What you really need to be talking about is safe sex.
The statistics are startling. Between 2000 and 2010, the overall rates for sexually transmitted infections have doubled in adults over age 50. Chlamydia infections in adults aged 45 to 55 have tripled and the number of women diagnosed with HIV has increased by 40 percent since 2003 and 90 percent of those infected contract HIV through heterosexual activity.
That doesn’t mean you have to become a statistic. There’s plenty you can do to keep yourself safe and that’s what we’re talking about. Listen in to discover:
  • Is there such a thing as safe sex?
  • What’s the best way to keep yourself self?
  • When do you talk to a new partner about safe sex?
  • Should you get tested for STI’s?
  • How to handle objections from your partner?
… and lots more.
Today’s guest is Dr. Patricia Weitzman who is a senior research scientist at the Environment and Health Group and a life coach. She’s also a co-founder ofDivorceAfter50, a site that is devoted to encouraging more discussions and sharing factual information about sex and dating after divorce especially for mid-life women.