
The Brain Broad Builds a Brain – Spreading Mental Heath From Homeless Children to Social Workers

Dr. Judy Alexandre LCSW has a special project to share called Step Up Ventura, which provides all day therapeutic daycare to homeless children aged 0-5. Step Up was formed to help homeless children gain the ability to form healthy relationships despite their parent’s circumstances.

Dr. Alexandre also trains and supports young social workers as they work in the field trying to better the lives of others who are often homeless parents.

Dr. Alexandre shares her highly supportive truly inspirational views with Lynette Louise The Brain Broad.

While doing the practicum hours for her Ph.D. Lynette was fortunate enough to observe Dr. Alexandre train and support these young social workers so new to the field. Lynette was impressed by the clarity and wisdom as well as the support, strength and personal opinion that Judy shares with her pupils.

Lynette and Judy discuss the movie Concussion and the ways in which physical trauma and emotional trauma overlap. 

Todays ‘Brain Broad, Google Gods’ Search is related Reactive Attachment Disorder known as RAD. Lynette Cautions against developing myths out of personal opinion when learning the symptoms of a disorder.

Today’s question: “Can preschoolers be expelled?”

Today’s answer: “Yes.”