
Thriving Entrepreneur – Rising and Rejoicing Through Adversity with Marcia and Veronica

Steve Kidd

Steve Kidd

Do you take the time to realize where you’re at?

Sometimes we’re so busy keeping track of our failures that we don’t take the time to understand, see, and embrace how far we’ve come. Today we’re joined by two amazing bestselling authors that will talk about what they have been through, what they have learned through that and how they have come to rejoice in the place that they were in.

Out of the Fire: From Poverty to Prosperity by Marcia Donovan-Demers

Her inspiring journey from poverty to prosperity will help you rise and come out of the fire that you’re in right now. Marcia also shared in her book the mistakes that she once did that you shouldn’t do and the strategies that you can put into place to help you overcome your adversities.

Soul Engagement – The Personal Journey of Engaging One’s Self by Veronica Simon

She shared her soul-searching journey that made her relationship with herself and with God deeper and more meaningful. Now, she wants others to realize and experience the same thing so she came up with some things you can do in 40 days that will ultimately transform your life.

Do not just be happy and rejoice about the good things, also rejoice about the little things like waking up in the morning, having food to eat every day, having a decent job, or simply because you’re surrounded by your loved ones. Life is all about that next outstretched arm that helps bring you up to the next level.

Join Steve Kidd in this inspiring interview with Veronica Simon and Marcia Donovan-Demers on Thriving Entrepreneur.