
Men, Emotions, and Marriage

Lesli Doares | WebTalkRadio

Lesli Doares, LMFT

Dealing with challenging emotions is challenging for many people, but it can be especially difficult for men. It isn’t that they don’t have emotions. It’s just that they often don’t access them as easily as women can. This is a function of both culture and experience. But it has real world consequences for their marriages. It can be easier to let your wife deal with emotions in your relationship but that will prevent intimacy and connection. 

Richard Matzkin, author of LOVING PROMISES: The Master Class For Creating Magnificent Relationship and MANifesto: A Call For Men To Become Warriors For Kindness, reveals why men need to experience the full range of emotions and how to begin to do that.

If you find this difficult, Lesli can help. Please share the show with those who matter to you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.