Paola Iglesias
Words Choose Wisely
Paola Iglesias was born in Buenos Aires the capital of Argentina. At the age of six months, she emigrated with her family to Australia for what her parents saw as a better life. Paola currently lives in Sydney with her two children, Oscar sixteen and Emmeline twelve. As a qualified chartered architect, she thoroughly enjoys designing and creating dream homes for people, with her own unique touch of magic. I know this has nothing to do with the book we’re going to talk about, but it gives you a brief insight to Paola herself and what she does professionally, have a look at some of her designs
We all know life very often doesn’t turn out as you originally hoped for and that relationships can stray as well as bloom. You might be forgiven for thinking why I have digressed to talk about relationships, have I become an agony aunt? Well, the answer to that is no, but there is some bearing to relationships souring as to why Paola has written this book. The book encompasses issues of domestic violence, elaborate bullying both non-physical more mental all done through inappropriate choice of words, words spoken derogatively to undermine, belittle, to such an extent the person on the receiving end feels utterly valueless, demeaned, resulting in dreams shattered, families ripped apart, and possibly wrong life options taken all due to ill-judged words that over a long period of endurance have devastating effects on the recipient. Words like, unattractive, unintelligent, unwanted, stupid and irrelevant. Why someone chooses to denigrate another, through misplaced adopted words is sad as well as harmful, and I think most of us can think back to our time in school when someone said something hurtful, whether it was said innocently or with malice intent.
Paola herself has experienced a lot of what I have just said and strongly believes that to address this area we need to start by educating our children to think about the choice of
words they say to each other which she hopes will continue into their adulthood and the relationships they enter. So, Paola in collusion with her son Oscar’s illustrations who at the time was thirteen has written this short but simple book aimed at nine to twelve-year-olds to make them think about the words they choose to say to their friends and what affect those words have on their friends. So, ’Words Choose Wisely.’ The book is written in English, Spanish and French so large sways of the world’s youth can read the book and think about the illustrations.
The book can be obtained from the Amazon link below or alternatively from her publishers search bookstore Paola Iglesias. The book is available in Softcover as well as Ebook.
Enjoy this simple but effective book, all about the choice of words we use to talk to each other, be as children who the booked is directed at or as so-called adults. Let’s remember words can be amazing but equally they can be harmful when taken out of context.
Thank you, Paula, Oscar and Emmeline, for this wonderful book.