Carl Jones is a pastor of the street in the Dallas Forth Worth area of Texas, in the U.S.A. Like most of us he has faced challenging times in his life as well as good times, and his spiritual life has reflected his own personal life with highs and lows. However, despite everything he has endured his faith in Elohiym (Hebrew for God) has never wavered since the age of twelve. But he does acknowledge that some of the paths he has gone down can be construed as hesitant at best.
Carl has six children he’s worked for SBC, GTE, Verizon and Walmart. He’s been connected with several church denominations and has acquired a vast spiritual background from the teachings of numerous pastors and evangelists who have steered him to becoming mature in Christ. Believing he was saved in his eyes at such a tender age and with God’s continuing support Carl vehemently concludes that Elohiym is at the heart of his life based on biblical scriptures, prophecies that have been fulfilled and still to be fulfilled. A replaced earth is very much in the upper mind of Carl’s thinking based again on biblical citations, he references to climate change, pollution, debt, food issues all contributing to earth’s demise, we need to reset our approach to everything.
In Carl’s foreword he starts with saying,” this book can be shocking, debated and criticised by some, and to others, it may not be. You have the wonderful choice to accept this information research or just stay in your status quo like the people in the movie The Matrix. In the movie they didn’t realise what had happened, but they were blinded by a lie. And only a few selected souls knew the truth.” A powerful opening gambit you might say. Carl goes on in his foreword to challenge your long held traditional views, some points you might take issue with, others you might want to reflect and do your own research.
This book is not a book you cuddle up in bed with, it’s not meant to be, it’s a book that turns traditional Christian ideology on its head. If you have an open mind and are prepared to view a religious concept with a different viewpoint you might find Carl’s book intriguing at the very least. To those who have a closed mind when it comes to religious origins, I fear you might find this book confrontational. But either way have a read and draw your own conclusions. Just to give you a brief insight into Carl’s world I quote,” I am Hebrew. I no longer believe in Christmas, Halloween, and Good Friday and Easter. Christ did not die on Friday. Some people may feel I am crazy, but I am quite in a good mindset. These are pagan holidays and not holy days.”
If you want to order/purchase a copy of Carl’s book which is available in paperback or ebook formats you can click the Amazon link below. Alternatively, you can head to or [email protected] bookstore search Carl L Jones.
Thank you, Carl, for giving me the opportunity to review your book and chat to you.