
The Art of Creating Beauty: Through Daydreaming

Gina M. Vincent

Gina Vincent

This week in the Art of Creating Beauty Through Daydreaming, Gina shares 5 healthy benefits to letting your mind drift.

Psychological Science reported that a wandering mind is associated with higher degrees of a working memory. 

Eureka! This is GREAT news especially since we are living longer. I bet you know of someone suffering from memory loss. 

Memory loss IS such a BIG problem especially with our aging population. It has become BIG business… from prescription drugs, herbal remedies, brain exercises, equipment, games, etc.

We need to revert back to our childhood. Our innocence. Our inner knowing. Our inner artist.

We should praise our children for daydreaming (even during class time) not reprimand them. It’s time we join them.

Learn why taking a break from your BUSY schedule to daydream is healthy and beneficial.

You’ll be surprised to learn that this simple and FREE art boosts your memory, empathy, creativity, problem solving, and focus.

Join Gina to learn how daydreaming creates beauty in our health and our mental health. And best of all… IT’S FREE.  Check out the video here: