
Heirs of Vanity Trilogy: The First Three Books of the Heirs of Vanity Series by R J Hanson

JT Crowley

The Author

R J Hanson is an American Author from just outside Dallas in Texas in the U.S. where he lives with his wife Michelle on a small ranch that tends to a moderate heard of cattle as well as a menagerie of other domestic animals. 

R J began his love with fantasy at the age of five. In 1978 his mother bought him a Rankin and Bass production of The Hobbit. With that initial book and years later R J expanded his readership of Tolkien to R A Salvatore, Terry Brooks, Robert E Howard and even Stephen king.

R J started his writing career at the age of 45. During his life R J has assembled numerous experiences that have given him an unequalled insight to human life giving his writing a true and genuine edge to it. R J is a certified Firearms Instructor and Linguistic Statement Analyst.

As a young boy he worked as a cowboy having been raised on a small ranch in north Texas, he’s studied medieval combat and military tactics as well as arms and armaments of various cultures and times.

The award-winning author Jon Black describes R J’s writing as visceral, breath-taking. He goes on to say that his combat scenes are creative, well thought, and realistic in a way that will please purists while remaining fast-paced enough to satisfy others.

Quirky Story

I’m perhaps the world’s most unlikely nerd. I ride horses, raise cattle, drive a 4×4 and I’m a pen & paper RPG devotee. My gaming group plays Role master (if you don’t know it, think D&D) every weekend.

Many of the uninitiated find our conversations confusing because, when speaking of our characters, we tend to switch back and forth from 3rd person to 1st person. “So, then Roland hauls up his sword and I (I was playing the character Roland) cut the paladin’s leg off!”

Some of the best stories we tell are of events during gaming that, “really happened.”

I remember one time when a new player was starting, and the group was figuring out what equipment they wanted to buy before an adventure. Another player buys a horse, and the new girl looks at him like he’s the dumbest person she’s ever seen. “That’s crazy! How are you gonna carry a horse?”

Another time the group was approaching an island when the thunder clouds suddenly gathered around the single mountain top on the island:

Player 1: “It’s an omen.”

Player2: (not noticing the thunder clouds): “What’s an omen?”

Players 1,3 and 4 (in spontaneous unison): “It’s a sign of things to come.”

My Kids (now 28 and 26) started gaming with us around the ages of 7 and 5 respectively. One of their favourite stories is of a time when they were attacked by orcs. My daughter tripped one of the orcs and he fell into the campfire, setting his right arm ablaze. The orc made an intellect roll and fumbled it. Thus, his reaction to being set afire was to run up and down the bank of a nearby river screaming that he was on fire, never thinking to just put his hand in the water.

Check out our video chat here!

The Books

Heirs of Vanity Trilogy.

This is the compendium of the first three books in The Heirs of Vanity Series. This series is in the realms of Epic Fantasy. 

The first book in the series is Roland’s Path. (Part 1)

A creative tale about two servants of evil escaping during young Roland’s watch, Roland driven by humiliation and self-conceit takes it upon himself to track down these escapees. The escapees are a wizard of undetermined powers of sorcery and a woman of exceptional beauty with dark unimagined adeptness. The path Roland and his friend Eldryn must travel in order to track down an untested wizard and a woman of beauty and intrigue is fraught with imperilment and convolutedness. But this herculean journey must be undertaken, for in Roland’s world of Stratvs, vanity, narcissism comes at a high price, a price paid in blood both innocent as well as the guilty. Too many pietistic altars are strewn with rusting armoury.

The second book of the series is Roland’s Vows. (Part 2)

A noted warlock (sorcerer) of the Marshes bears a curse from the past for detestable exploits. Will Roland hear the wizard’s calls. Will trust or desire of the enchanter’s daughter prevail in Roland’s mind and conscience. An exotic city in a distant land is Roland and Eldryn’s next destination. Once again, the journey is steeped in peril as the lands, they travel through are ravaged with feuding armies and people deprived of hope. In the land of Lawrec will Roland’s physical and mental abilities be taken to the very edge of their sustainability. Evil worlds gloom everywhere can Roland survive fallen champions and pirates to maintain his father’s approval.

The Third book of the series is Roland’s Triumph. (Part 3)

An unrevealed badness glooms on the horizon, Daeriv’s forces have retreated but their presence still lingers in the air. Roland’s choices in how next to proceed are complex, whose advice will he heed, his fathers. What cost would he face if he disregarded his father’s wise counsel. Will the love of a good woman be enough to see him through this anxious and challenging time or will he fall at the evil hand of his adversaries. His inner nemesis is tested, but will he triumph. Or is it a case he must triumph not matter the cost to himself.

In the compendium the books are identified as parts 1-3 with their appropriate titles heading that section.

Fires that Forge: The first book of the Epic Fantasy Series Lords of Order & Chaos

Fires that Forge is the first book in the gripping Lords of Order & Chaos Epic Fantast Series, one of four series in the Bloodlines Reforged Saga. If you love thrilling mysteries, hidden enemies and fast paced action, then you’ll love R J Hanson’s sword and sorcery tales.

Murder, Betrayal, Magic. One Knight takes up his hammer to hunt a killer concealed. When dark arts and faith collide, who can he trust while hunting a predatory killer.

The story is set in the Kingdom of Lethanor, 1648. Inquisitor Dunewell stands strong in a city pocked by duplicity. A literal combatant for egalitarianism the recently appointed investigator sets to work to reveal and expose the liquidator behind the killing of a close physician soul mate. Pledging to reveal the slayer Dunewell crosses the threshold and is up against the executioner’s axe.

Instructed by the hierarchy Dunewell is under pressure to resolve the matter in hand. As he delves deeper into the circumstances the waters are muddied as the clues reveal demons and forbidden powers are at the heart of the case.  Vampire attacks are prevalent as aristocrats continue to fall, slain to their deaths. Dunewell must pursue those responsible before the city becomes beholden to destructive hysteria.

If you want to know more about R J Hanson and where to get his books, then head to is social media platforms listed below.