
How to Talk So Your Partner Will Listen

Lesli Doares | WebTalkRadio

Lesli Doares, LMFT

Good communication alone will not ensure a Happily Ever After marriage but, without it, you don’t stand a chance. One of the biggest challenges couples face is learning how to communicate effectively. As with most things, it’s easier to look at where the other person is falling short than to look in the mirror and figure out our part. You’ve been talking since you were little and, on the surface, it seems a pretty easy system. You talk, the other person listens and vice versa. So why do so many couples struggle? Kirk Honda, professor of couples and family therapy at Antioch University and the host of Psychology in Seattle, explains the common pitfalls of communication.

If communication is an issue in your marriage, don’t let it continue. Contact Lesli to learn how you can turn it around so you can have the marriage you desire.